Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Greetings with peace in the name of our Lord Jesus,

   It's going on 2 years or even more now that the world has been subject to a demonically lab created virus. There is an agenda out there that is inspired and wrought in the pits of hell. Unfortunately, the offspring of it is fear. If given room to take root and grow, fear can be debilitating and deadly. It has the potential to just stigmatize people, families and nations. This is not the outcome Believers in Christ should look forward to. The Lord has called us out of darkness, not to live in it. We are the light of the world.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for Gods own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him Who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."  I Peter 2:9  (NASV)

   Please understand, I am by no means, making light of such evil intent and heart break that many many beautiful families have suffered in this battle.  My most heart felt prayers and compassion are yours in the Lord.

   My desire is to encourage you to take your lives and those around you, back in the name of Lord.  There is a scripture verse that I am sure we've read together.

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."  John 10:10 (NKJV)

   The fruit of the thief is to steal, kill and destroy. That is what he does. No more and no less. That is his nature. This is not our Lords desire for you.  However... get ready, here comes, the cloud with the brilliant golden lining! A little humor to lighten things up just a little. <3

   The Lord Himself has come to give us His glorious supernatural God kinda life AND that life more abundantly. If I may say here: abundantly means - in excess. Let's say it again, that we can have life in excess, in Him!  Go ahead and shout!  It's been a long few months you deserve it! HALLELUJAH! Thank you Jesus!

   During this time, and at the beginning of this world battle, Holy Spirit showed up real big in my prayer time and had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with me. It was serious and humbling. When the Angel of His presence demands attention in yours, you are more than humbled and saying "Whoa is me, I am undone." or "Gird up your loins oh man of God."  Now let say, there is no other place here on earth or under heaven that I would rather be. Than in the presence of the Most High God.

   This is the place we must desire with all our heart be and stay.  Not just visit from time to time.  He has made Himself available to us 24/7.  We should do the same for Him.  If we served a part time God that seemed to always place an "Out to lunch" sign on His door when we needed Him, we wouldn't want to have a relationship with Him, let alone serve Him.  But, Glory to His name! He is not like that. He gave us His all through the cross and still is.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."  Hebrews 13:8 (NASV)

  Again, He has come to give us life more abundantly.  Okay, I can almost hear the question: "And how and where do I start to do this life more abundantly after all I've suffered and have been going through."  My dearest sister and brother.  It's one GRACE FAITH step at a time.

   When the Lord blessed me with very strong presence I became a mess.  He wrecked me (in a good way) from the inside out. I cried like a baby in His awesome presence. That's when you get a revelation of the scripture that says " we are fearfully and wonderfully made'"  I was is reverent fear of the Holy One and wonderfully humbled and blessed at the same time that He blessed me with His visitation.

   During this time He had strongly impressed upon me that He wanted His Bride, the Body of Christ to prayer.  Not just at dinner and bedtime. He was seriously calling His body to pray as a lifestyle.  A way of life.  Now, this is something we should've had all along. I'm guilty myself.  I would pray, but not have or make a set time, or make prayer appointments. I say appointments because that is something we can all relate to.  When we have a doctor appointment or an appointment for an interview, we SET that time aside, commit to it and work our schedules around it. That's it.

   This is what I have done and it has been an amazing and marvelous time in the Lords presence with Him. This is the best I can help you begin re-starting your life of abundance in Him. It not only is something we must do to cultivate our relationship with the Lord.  But when we look around and see the havoc the enemy is attempting to create with tensions between nations and civil wars and unrest. Evil to point that it blatantly desires to shut the church of the Lord up and exterminate her.

   We need this time with the Lord as much as He needs us to pray His manifested presence and will in the earth today. We are an army on our knees and we are serving a mighty King. His Words become our, and we speak them forth in the name of Jesus as the Lord wills.  We have been given the authority and power to change the atmosphere and situations. Just as Jesus set the example for us.  The Holy Spirit just reminded me of this scripture to share with you.

"By this, love is perfected in us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement, because as He is, so are we in this world."  1 John 4:17 (NASV)

   Because as He is, so are we in this world!  Jesus is seated at the right hand side of the Father in Heaven! We are gloried in the Son. We are victorious and over comers. We are the children of God, not outsiders. We are His and He is ours. His Banner over us is His great love. His Banner is His protection and well-keeping. He goes before us, He hedges us round-a-bout and is our rear guard. His word says "As the mountains are around Jerusalem, so the Lord is all around His people! Praise His name forever!

                          May our Lord bless and keep you and yours in His charge.
                                 In the name that is higher than every name, Jesus!

                                                          Our love in Christ!

Saturday, August 29, 2020


Blessings and may the peace of Y'Shua rest upon you and yours,

   Firstly allow me to express my joy and elation to the UNITED ARAB EMIRATES and ISRAEL. I bless God for this agreement.  Be it done in the sight of the Lord and may His plans, purposes and good pleasure be with you. All to His glory, Amen!

As the Bible states:

"Can two walk together, unless they be agreed?"  Amos 3:3 (KJV)

   About four weeks ago around 3:30 a.m. The Lord awoke me from sleep. When I sat up in bed, my eyes opened and I looked and saw before me, as it were, Letters floating in front of me. The letters were "AEGEAN SEA."

   Now mind you, I had not even considered this area previously with all that we find going on in the world and close to home here in the USA.  BUT, OUR LORD HAS!  What is on His heart, should be upon ours.

   I prayed at that point that the Lords perfect will done. In the morning I did my due diligence and researched this matter out. Only to confirm that indeed it was the Lord that made me aware and wanted divine intervention to take place in this region.

   Since then, I have made this an absolute priority. My heart is there with everyone. I am praying the mighty presence of the Lord God Almighty to move in this situation and that a peaceful resolution would take place. That all countries involved would also seek an amiable agreement and not their own personal or political agendas. The Lord is the Lord of what may seem to be impossibility to man.

   This blog has found itself in many countries around the world. I would ask that everyone who reads this post would agree in prayer with us and share with others that they may sow in prayer as well and be blessed of the Lord.

   When we go into our prayer closet, the one thing we should do is speak the heart of the Lord and not ours. We should not take sides no matter how tempted or justified we think we are. God is the Judge.

   We must lay our thoughts and intents aside and wait to hear what the Spirit of the Lord would have us pray. Remember, Holy Spirit searches the deep things/thoughts of the Father and reveals them us. Holy Spirit reveals to us the heart of the Father. We must obey. Surrender to His will.

   Remain objective in thought, but be pliable to hear with your heart. Allow the Lord to have His way in and through you to His glory.

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked who can know it." Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV)

   I pray the peace of God would guard and keep you in all ours ways as you surrender to His will. May you position yourself to continue to used by God in these uncertain days. Keep your eyes upon Jesus who has redeemed you with His precious blood. I pray your faith and confidence in Him will not cease.

"Now to Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen"  Jude 1:24-25 (KJV)

"Once again, The Lord of power and grace keep you and yours to His glory!"

Please share


Friday, August 7, 2020


Blessings my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

   I'd like to take a moment to talk to you on a more personal note. I would like to express my gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord and you! It is such an honor, blessing and privilege to serve and encourage you in the Lord via this blog. You are in our continued thoughts and prayers. It is a wonderful blessing to reach our world for Christ.

   Heart Treasure Ministries, endeavors to be a blessing to you and your family, by breaking the bread of the Lords word together. I thank the Lord for knitting our hearts together in Him. We are His body. Joined together by His Holy Spirit, with one heart in Christ Jesus. It's a wonderful blessing! Know and understand that as you have shared the words that have been penned on this blog with others, it is with great humility and pleasure, that I would ask the Lord to hold it to your charge in thankfulness, rewarding you and your household with blessings and divine health.

The countries that we have found ourselves reaching out to are listed below:

United States, France, Germany, Kenya, Puerto Rico,Thailand,United Kingdom, Jamaica
Philippines, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Ireland, New Zealand
Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Uganda, India, Portugal, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong
South Africa, Japan, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Aruba, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Argentina, Kazakhstan
Peru, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Sweden, Pakistan, Armenia, Iraq
Swaziland, Ghana, Israel, Malta, United Arab Emirates, Jersey, Nigeria,Greece, South Korea, Ukraine, An Unknown Region, Italy, Croatia, Venezuela, Czechia, Romania, Belgium, Mexico,  Colombia, Serbia, Oman, Thailand, Cameroon, Turkey, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Estonia, Bangladesh, Seychelles, Cambodia, United Arab Emerates and  Egypt.

   I would like to encourage you. In this Season of the Lord we have found ourselves surrounded by corruption, plagues and rumors of wars and great discontent between nations. It may sound as if the "Day of the Lord" has come upon us. The Holy Scriptures have said this:

"That no man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."  Matthew 24:36 (BSB) 

   This day will arrive. It is inevitable. The Lord will come in glory and enact judgement upon those in who have partnered themselves with the personage of evil and evil himself.  The Lord God is has held back this time until those who are His and will become His are gathered into His fold.  It's by His great mercy and loving kindness that He has "Paused the Clock" so to say.  So this may take place. The Father in Heaven desires that none would perish but have everlasting life in Christ Jesus.

  I would like admonish you to seek Him who is able to raise the dead, change the hearts of man and bring nations to their knees. Seek Him while it is yet called today. For tomorrow is not promised.

  The Bible has said:

"That I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you (continued to extend) faithful love to you."  Jeremiah 31:3 (HCSB)

   Let me assure you that there is no love like our Gods love. He is Faithful,True, Just and Holy. His nature is not that of the human race who have chosen the path of the wicked. We should ask Him to forgive us for wanderings and unfaithfulness.  We are the adulterers, not He. Still He awaits with His hand of mercy extended to us despite our evil ways, and draws us unto Himself to secure for Himself a beautiful spotless Bride, without wrinkle or blemish of sin.

  Jesus has sacrificed himself for us. He has taken our place by the judgement of death. However, the Lord God accepted this sacrifice as being holy and acceptable. The proof being that Jesus was raised from the dead and is now seated at the right side of Father in heaven.

  There is also a book in heaven called "The Lambs Book of Life." This book has the names of all those who have surrendered and willfully given their lives to this Merciful God. This book continues to grow, even now.

  With so much uncertainty we can be certain of one thing. GOD IS the same yesterday, today and forever. We can trust Him.

  Seek Him, invite into your heart and life. Lay your loved ones before Him in faith for their redemption as well. Allow Him to inhabit your praises and your home. Again, His presence is what will keep us via Holy Spirit as stated in a previous post.

  Remember, it is the goodness, forbearance and loving kindness of God that leads humankind to repentance as stated in Romans 2:4

   I would to pray that the Lords provision, protection, preservation and His promises would overtake you and your family. His presence would lift your hearts and keep your mind steadfast upon His will and ways. May His peace rule your lives and lives of your loved ones.

   Be gracious to others He has been to you. His life working in yours gives Him all of the glory. For He is worthy!

I will Lift up eyes to the hills from whence cometh our help? Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth."  Psalm 121:1-2 (KJV)

Blessings to you and yours in the Majestic Name of Jesus!

Share with others so they may be encouraged too!

Tuesday, August 4, 2020



   With all that is taking place globally today in our world it can be a little unnerving to say the least. However, I'd like to speak a peace to you. We as believers must cleave to Gods Word and have faith in it. Even if it's as small as a mustard seed.

   Over that last few months the Lord has called me to a deeper prayer life. He has shown me dreams and visions. He has brought me to a deeper a place in Him and has stretched the tent pegs of my heart that He can fill it with more of His.

   One thing that I can assure you is that the only thing that will keep our hearts from being overwhelmed and our minds filled with anxiety is living in the Presence of Almighty God. Holy Spirit, in Whom, searches the deep things of God and brings them to us is the person the Lord uses to comfort us and show Himself more real to us than ever before.

   I would like to encourage you to begin to worship the Lord daily. Enter into His presence and invite Him to reveal hidden things from His heart to yours. Remember it will always line up with and be consistent with His Character which is Love, and His Word (The Bible) which is Truth.

   Begin to cultivate this time in the Lord by asking Him to open your eyes to see His glory. Ask Jesus to show you the heart of the Father. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth and a holy intimacy with the Lord. Give the Lord your heart and life as a thank offering for preserving you and yours in these uncertain times.

   Build yourself up in your most holy faith. Knowing that He is a rewarder to those who diligently seek Him with all of their hearts. Believe with your heart that His promises and Word are "Yes and Amen."  He has said it and He will perform it. He is not a man that He should lie, or the son of man that He should repent. Trust in Him and serve Him only.

Blessings to you and yours in the love of Christ.

Please share to encourage someone else <3

Monday, June 22, 2020


Blessings to you and yours my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

   Time itself is accelerating. Biblical Prophesies are coming to pass. Our time is short. The Son of God, our Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth will be returning soon. We, His Bride should make herself ready!

"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready."  Revelation 19:7 (KJV)

   We have been called with a heavenly purpose. The Lord has a plan and we fit into it. I realize that we can argue the point and say: "Not me. You do not know what I've done. He doesn't want to use someone like me."  

   Well let's put that to rest right now. When He sent His son to die on the cross you were on His mind. His love for you and hope for your future kept Jesus on the cross. He could've gotten down off that cross at any time. But He didn't. His love for us kept Him there. By His own choice and willingness. Because He loved you then and loves you now. Selah... (Ponder with intent and quietness of heart.)

   "For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was His plan from before the beginning of time--to show us His grace through Christ Jesus." II Timothy 1:9 (NKJ)

   "For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJ)

     So let's see what it is that He wants us to do for Him. Get excited and get ready!

   As we begin to look into this subject we will look at scripture verses that will help us to identify gifts and talents that we may have. We may already know or have an idea of talents that have been useful in blessing others. What is it that seems to come naturally to you? Or maybe you're not sure. As we study I know the Lord will make it clear for you. So be encouraged and have hope. 

   The Lord by His Holy Spirit, has adorned us, His Bride with spiritual gifts that are not only to meant to build up the body of Christ. But, are to be used to show His power and grace to those who are lost, void of hope and walking in darkness. As much as we are to extend the love and grace of our Lord. We must also understand that these gifts are powerful and full of Gods power to save, heal and deliver. Miracles will take place. Signs and wonders will happen. The dead will be raised back to life. Blind eyes will be opened. The most cynical of sinners will be saved and transformed in  heart and begin to worship the Lord God Almighty! Hallelujah! I can't help myself our God is so good!

   Our gifts are unique to us. We do not have the same gifts and talents. But they are all designed to work together in conjunction with one another. Our responsibility is to seek Him out and find what it is that He wants us to do and where He wants us to do it.

   We have been given wonderful gifts and talents. We are here on earth for a particular time and season. God has a call or mandate upon our lives. We must begin to believe that we have a purpose and walk in it, to fulfill our divine destiny in Christ Jesus. 

   "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV)

   Let me ask you a question. Would you like to be a part of what the Lord is doing in the world today?  If your answer is yes, I'd like you to say to Him right now "Lord here am I, send me."  Our Brother Isaiah had the same opportunity. He overheard the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? Then Isaiah volunteered his services.

   You can find this account in the Book of Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8. 

The Lord richly bless you and make His face to shine upon you, in all that you may do and say to further His kingdom and bless His holy name!

"If the message has been a blessing to you, please share it with someone!"

Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Blessings to you Beloved of the Lord,

   There is time upon us in which our prayer lives will be essential. Not to say that it should not be an essential part of our every day walk with the Lord as believers. The world is ever changing and transforming. New ways of thinking, that in my opinion may cause confusion to the masses. There are so many voices vising for our attention. Many are misleading.

   I would like to admonish you today to begin to purposefully seek the Lord while He may be found.
"Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near." (Isaiah 55:6 NIV) This verse can seem a little puzzling, giving the impression that the Lord may not always be found. Just remember that He, by His Holy Spirit now resides in our inner most being or the hidden man of our heart, our spirit man if you have asked Him into your life.

 What to pray?

   Pray for the minds, ears, hearts and eyes of the lost to be opened to hear the voice of our Lord and see His love and kindness toward them.

   Pray for all believers that their faith would not fail them in times of persecution and turmoil.

  Pray and repent for your sin, your family's sin, the sin of our countries and the world. That they would turn from our wicked ways and turn back to God our Lord and Creator.

   Pray for our children and their children that they would have the heart to serve the Lord and find their peace in Him and not the things of this world.

   Pray for your ruling leaders that all would be well with you and your families and the Lord would give you favor.

  Pray that the wicked schemes of the ungodly would be exposed by the Spirit of Almighty God and their plans and purposes of harm and evil would come to naught.

  Pray the Lord to give you a holy boldness in this season to go out into the highways and byways and spread the good news of our Savior and win the lost to the Lord.

  Pray and thank the lord for providing the provision needed to reach others for the sake of Christ.

  Pray for miracles to be wrought by humble hands as you minister to and (serve) those around you always giving glory to God.

  Pray for the Lord to put His words in your mouth to speak and deliver many by His Holy Spirit.

  Pray for the Lord give you and song in your mouth to keep your faith strong and your joy in Him everlasting as you receive your call and marching orders from your King.

  This list is not complete. I know the Lord by His Holy Spirit will also place things in your heart that need to be prayed for.

  Go out as the people of Israel did with a shout of victory and songs of deliverance. They moved expecting the God of Israel to go before them and to be their rear guard in battle. And He was and still is!

   Remember there is no God like our God who can save, deliver, heal, raise the dead, to give sight to the blind spiritually and physically, cause the lame to walk, calm the troubled seas and make mute people speak. The list of His miracles goes beyond what we are able to comprehend and speak.

  God is God of all and there is none like Him. We are a blessed people indeed to have been given so great an invitation to serve such a wonderful living God.  His mercy endures forever and He forgives our sins holding nothing to our charge.

  If you would like to experience the ever present love and mercy of God in your life, just ask Him into your life now. A simple prayer asking for God to forgive your ways that you may not have known were contrary to His ways. Ask Jesus to come into your life and show you the right path to take in Him. And thank Him for becoming your Savior and helping you in your every life. In good times and bad.

  "For every one -- whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, he shall be saved." (Romans 10:13 YLT)

  Welcome to the family of God! Please email us to let us know that you prayed and invited the Lord into your life, so we may put you on our prayer list and pray for you and support your growth in Christ.

**You and yours are always in our thoughts and prayers**

"Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. May all grace abound toward you and yours in the matchless name of Jesus!"

"If you have been blessed, please share with someone!"  

Thursday, April 30, 2020





Monday, April 27, 2020


Blessings to you Beloved of the Lord,

   There is time upon us in which our prayer lives will be essential. Not to say that it should not be an essential part of our every day walk with the Lord as believers. The world is ever changing and transforming. New ways of thinking, that in my opinion may cause confusion to the masses. There are so many voices vising for our attention. Many are misleading.

   I would like to admonish you today to begin to purposefully seek the Lord while He may be found.
"Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near." (Isaiah 55:6 NIV) This verse can seem a little puzzling, giving the impression that the Lord may not always be found. Just remember that He, by His Holy Spirit now resides in our inner most being or the hidden man of our heart, our spirit man if you have asked Him into your life.

 What to pray?

   Pray for the minds, ears, hearts and eyes of the lost to be opened to hear the voice of our Lord and see his love and kindness toward them.

   Pray for all believers that their faith would not fail them in times of persecution and turmoil.

  Pray and repent for your sin, your family's sin, the sin of our countries and the world. That they would turn from our wicked ways and turn back to God our Creator.

   Pray for our children and their children that they would have the heart to serve the Lord and find their peace in Him and not the things of this world.

   Pray for your ruling leaders that all would be well with you and your families and the Lord would give you favor.

  Pray that the wicked schemes of the ungodly would be exposed by the Spirit of Almighty God and their plans and purposes of harm and evil would come to naught.

  Pray the Lord to give you a holy boldness in this season to go out into the highways and byways and spread the good news of our Savior and win the lost to the Lord.

  Pray and thank the lord for providing the provision needed to reach others for the sake of Christ.

  Pray for miracles to be wrought by humble hands as you minister to those around you always giving glory to God.

  Pray for the Lord to put His words in your mouth to speak and deliver many.

  Pray for the Lord give you and song in your mouth to keep your faith strong and your joy in Him everlasting as you receive your call and marching orders from your King.

  This list is not complete. I know the Lord by His Holy Spirit will also place things in your heart that need to be prayed for.

  Go out as the people of Israel did with a shout of victory and songs of deliverance. They moved expecting the God of Israel to go before them and to be their rear guard in battle. And He was and still is!

   Remember there is no God like our God who can save, deliver, heal, raise the dead, to give sight to the blind spiritually and physically, cause the lame to walk, calm the troubled seas and make mute people speak. The list of His miracles goes beyond what we are able to comprehend and speak.

  God is God of all and there is none like Him. We are a blessed people indeed to have been given so great an invitation to serve such a wonderful living God.  His mercy endures forever and He forgives our sins holding nothing to our charge.

  If you would like to experience the ever present love and mercy of God in your life, just ask Him into your life now. A simple prayer asking for God to forgive your ways that you may not have known were contrary to His ways. Ask Jesus to come into your life and show you the right path to take in Him. And thank Him for becoming your Savior and helping you in your every life. In good times and bad.

  "For every one -- whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, he shall be saved." (Romans 10:13 YLT)

  Welcome to the family of God! Please email us to let us know that you prayed and invited the Lord into your life, so we may put you on our prayer list and pray for you and support your growth in Christ.

"Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. May all grace abound toward you and yours in the matchless name of Jesus!"

"If you have been blessed, please share with someone!"  

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Blessings to you the Lords Beloved!

   I would like to encourage you today, my family and friends. There are times when we may find ourselves getting caught up in a whirl wind. We may say: Which side is up? Or maybe, stop the world I'd like to get off now.

  Even so, where ever you may find yourself today, know that you are at the beginning of something the Lord is working in your life. A place of transition, from one purpose to another.

  KNOW that you are not alone, though the path may seem lonely.

  KNOW, that you are under-girded by His powerful Holy Spirit of Grace. He is closer to you then when you first believed.

  KNOW that His Resurrection life has, and will, hold you, carry you, and breathe new life into you.

  In your weakness, He IS made strong. It's IN and THROUGH and BY HIS LIFE working in us that we can and will go on.

After this season, when we come back to ourselves, we see in the Book of Jeremiah 29:12-14

"Then , you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, "declares the Lord," and will bring you back from captivity."

By the Spirit of our Lord, I would like to emphasize most importantly, "The Lord Says


Praise the Lord God Almighty. Who reigns with justice and mercy. He has made Himself available to us!

You are never too far out of His reach! You are never to far from the boarders of Heaven that you can not be retrieved.


  Father in Heaven, I pray for Your Holy healing presence to surround, under-gird, hold up and hold onto all those that are Yours, will become Yours, and are called by Your Most Holy name.
  Jesus, I thank you Lord, once again, that by Your grace, let Your overwhelming Holy Spirit of peace and power, fill all gaps and places of wounds.
Now to Your glory Lord, I speak supernatural peace and refreshment. Rest, rest, rest.
Lord we love You. Come now Father and be all that and who You are, in and through our lives, as we lay our lives before Your Holy Thrown. In the most precious name of Jesus. Be glorified.

If you have never asked the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart and by faith, have turned your life over to Him, you can do that by a prayer something like this:

Lord, I ask You to forgive me all of my transgressions against You and Your name in my ignorance. Forgive me Lord because I did not understand Your great love and concern for me.
 I ask You to come into my heart now Lord with Your presence. I give my life to You to do Your will and not mine any longer. I thank you that You have cleansed me by Your Blood.
I thank You Father for hearing my prayer of faith and I know that You will not turn the one, who seeks You, with their whole heart away. 
Change me Lord by Your Holy Spirit working in my life. I give You all of the glory amen.

Welcome my Brother and Sister into the Kingdom our Creator God!  May He show Himself real to you in your quiet times. May His angels guard you in battles of your faith. May He gird and hedge yo about as you live to glorify His Holy name. May you experience the Holy Fire of our God in your hearts, mind and spirits as serve Him. In the blessed name of Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Blessings and comfort to you and your family!

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


He alone was worthy to take our place upon the cross.
His blood was the only blood that was accepted to be shed for the worlds transgressions and sins. Sinless and selfless was this precious sacrifice. He who knew no sin and the pain, remorse, regret, shame, guilt, disease of heart and soul that comes with it. Became that sin for us.
He carried upon Him our burdens and transgressions. With every torturous whip and ripped flesh and violent pull of His beard and hair, He CHOSE to accept and surrender to the beatings and ridicule for me and for you. What kind of man was this? A man that would willingly lay down His precious life for not only a friend, but for a stranger.
I was a stranger and this man, LOVE in the flesh, visited me many years ago and touched my heart and changed my life. I was never the same, nor did I want to be.
I am grateful for the mercy He has shown me. I am thankful for what He has done by taking my place upon that cross. He loves me and you too much to allow that brutality to be done unto us.
Through this I have learned how to worship this man as King of King and Lord of Lords, and my Hero and Savior. There is a scripture verse that says “If we don’t cry out in worship, Who worship is due, the rocks and stones will!” Well, the life and love that He has shed abroad in the life and heart is so real and undeniable.
That those rocks and stones will have to get in line. Because I’m not finished worshiping Him Who alone is worthy. The precious Lamb of God, Who was slain before the foundation of the world. Only He alone is worthy to be praised.
Allow Him to touch your heart of hearts. That deep place that you won’t allow anyone into. He already knows about it. He’s a gentleman and won’t just barge in. He’ll gently tug at your heart and ask. Please, don’t deny this man, this lover of your soul.
Surrender to His love.

Blessings to you and yours during this solemn but miraculous season!

All our love in Christ Jesus!

Sunday, February 16, 2020


Blessings in the majestic name of Jesus to you and yours!

  The Lord has placed upon our hearts to send the written Word of God to those that may have need. We will be mailing a pocket New Testament Bible. FREE OF CHARGE. 

  If you or someone you know does not have a Bible please let us know, and we will get one right out to you/them.  Please send us either your/their information to our email. The email is below.


  We will need the name and address including zip code to ensure that your loved one receives their copy. If they are need of prayer please include that in the email and we will pray for them. If you have any special requests please make that known and we will prayerfully consider how we may be of service.

  If you are in need of prayer please use the comment button and we will pray the Father for you and your needs. 



Sunday, January 19, 2020


Blessings to you Beloved of the Lord,

   There is time upon us in which our prayer lives will be essential. Not to say that it should not be an essential part of our every day walk with the Lord as believers. The world is ever changing and transforming. New ways of thinking, that in my opinion may cause confusion to the masses. There are so many voices vising for our attention. Many are misleading.

   I would like to admonish you today to begin to purposefully seek the Lord while He may be found.
"Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near." (Isaiah 55:6 NIV) This verse can seem a little puzzling, giving the impression that the Lord may not always be found. Just remember that He, by His Holy Spirit now resides in our inner most being or the hidden man of our heart, our spirit man if you have asked Him into your life.

 What to pray?

   Pray for the minds, ears, hearts and eyes of the lost to be opened to hear the voice of our Lord and see His love and kindness toward them.

   Pray for all believers that their faith would not fail them in times of persecution and turmoil.

  Pray and repent for your sin, your family's sin, the sin of our countries and the world. That they would turn from our wicked ways and turn back to God our Lord and Creator.

   Pray for our children and their children that they would have the heart to serve the Lord and find their peace in Him and not the things of this world.

   Pray for your ruling leaders that all would be well with you and your families and the Lord would give you favor.

  Pray that the wicked schemes of the ungodly would be exposed by the Spirit of Almighty God and their plans and purposes of harm and evil would come to naught.

  Pray the Lord to give you a holy boldness in this season to go out into the highways and byways and spread the good news of our Savior and win the lost to the Lord.

  Pray and thank the lord for providing the provision needed to reach others for the sake of Christ.

  Pray for miracles to be wrought by humble hands as you minister to and (serve) those around you always giving glory to God.

  Pray for the Lord to put His words in your mouth to speak and deliver many by His Holy Spirit.

  Pray for the Lord give you and song in your mouth to keep your faith strong and your joy in Him everlasting as you receive your call and marching orders from your King.

  This list is not complete. I know the Lord by His Holy Spirit will also place things in your heart that need to be prayed for.

  Go out as the people of Israel did with a shout of victory and songs of deliverance. They moved expecting the God of Israel to go before them and to be their rear guard in battle. And He was and still is!

   Remember there is no God like our God who can save, deliver, heal, raise the dead, to give sight to the blind spiritually and physically, cause the lame to walk, calm the troubled seas and make mute people speak. The list of His miracles goes beyond what we are able to comprehend and speak.

  God is God of all and there is none like Him. We are a blessed people indeed to have been given so great an invitation to serve such a wonderful living God.  His mercy endures forever and He forgives our sins holding nothing to our charge.

  If you would like to experience the ever present love and mercy of God in your life, just ask Him into your life now. A simple prayer asking for God to forgive your ways that you may not have known were contrary to His ways. Ask Jesus to come into your life and show you the right path to take in Him. And thank Him for becoming your Savior and helping you in your every life. In good times and bad.

  "For every one -- whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, he shall be saved." (Romans 10:13 YLT)

  Welcome to the family of God! Please email us to let us know that you prayed and invited the Lord into your life, so we may put you on our prayer list and pray for you and support your growth in Christ.

**You and yours are always in our thoughts and prayers**

"Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. May all grace abound toward you and yours in the matchless name of Jesus!"

"If you have been blessed, please share with someone!"  


Greetings in the name of the Lord!

   Have you ever heard the statement "Time is of the essence?"  Well, there is a time that is upon us in which we will have to discern exactly what we see and believe. We live in a world where there are no absolutes. We do not have a set of complete and perfect rules to look on. One day the rules or law may say one thing, and then before you know it, that rule or law changes to nearly the exact opposite of what the original intent was.

   This is confusing. There is no wonder as to why we see so many people today who rebel against authorities and government. Plain and simply stated: "There is no security of any kind in this world or its system!"

   It is imperative that we spend time with the Lord in His word. "The Lord Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8. His laws are perfect. His ways are just. He is consistent. We are able to rely on, and trust Him.

   "For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed." 
                                                                                                                               Malachi 3:6 (KJV)

   There are very responsible, well meaning people in this world, doing their best to raise a family and contribute their time and energy in making the world around them a better place to live. Then much to this idealistic dream, the status quo changes and they find the rug pulled out from under them. To say the very least, this is disheartening. But take courage. There is a scripture verse I'd like to share.

   "A prudent man sees evil and hides himself, The naive proceed and pay the penalty."
                                                                                                                       Proverbs 27:12 (NASV)

The word evil in the original Hebrew means: perverse; foolish.

The word hides in the original Hebrew means: concealed; secret things; cover; undetected.

The word naive in the original Hebrew means: good sense; discretion; prudence; wisdom.

   We see in these definitions that we are not silly minded at all. In fact, those in Christ, are full of His wisdom. We are covered in Him, for Him and by Him. As we take a look at the verses above along with the explanation of the words, we see that in whatsoever state we find ourselves, our behavior and mindset is in Christ. This is what we manifest. This is our living hope. All to God's glory. It should not be any surprise to us just how the world behaves and reacts. Again, as we read the Bible we come to understand why exactly, the world thinks the way it does. It is in a fallen state. The world system operates under a different set of rules. We notice more and more the opposition to the things and people of God. If it doesn't like God, it won't like us. That's okay. Expect it and rise above it in Christ.

   Let me express that I am not talking about civil laws that are put in place to protect us. I am speaking about an agenda, that has its roots in the spiritual realm and opposes the things of God. Some un-knowingly and others knowingly agree with this dark influence and its intent. We must be discerning. The times are evil.

   Now is not the time for believers to be islands unto themselves. We must gather ourselves together to pray, fellowship, lift one another up, bear each others burdens. We must seek God and His divine will. Now is the time for us to extend His loving kindness and mercy to unbelievers. They also need a place to find comfort. This is why we are still here. The Lord desires for us to bring them, the lost sheep, into the fold. Now is the time.

   "He who dwells (lives) in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand]. I will say of the Lord, he is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!" Psalm 91:1-2 (AMPC)

And another verse states:

   "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 (NKJV)

This word shrewd in the original Greek means: To reflect a personal mindset.

   The word innocent in the original Greek: implies righteous; what is in conformity with God's own being ( His will, standard of rightness) hence "upright."

   "These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (NASV)

We have hope in Christ. This hope is an anchor to our soul (mind).  With the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit we are able to manifest heaven on earth in every situation and circumstance.

   "Yet I am confident I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!" 
                                                                                                                                  Psalm 27:13 (NLT)

Now to Him who is able to keep you and yours be all of the glory! Much love in Christ!

If this message has been a blessing to you please share it with someone!

Please comment below and let us know how you've enjoyed breaking the bread of Gods word!


Blessings to you the Lords Beloved!

   I would like to encourage you today, my family and friends. There are times when we may find ourselves getting caught up in a whirl wind. We may say: Which side is up? Or maybe, stop the world I'd like to get off now.

  Even so, where ever you may find yourself today, know that you are at the beginning of something the Lord is working in your life. A place of transition, from one purpose to another.

  KNOW that you are not alone, though the path may seem lonely.

  KNOW, that you are under-girded by His powerful Holy Spirit of Grace. He is closer to you then when you first believed.

  KNOW that His Resurrection life has, and will, hold you, carry you, and breathe new life into you.

  In your weakness, He IS made strong. It's IN and THROUGH and BY HIS LIFE working in us that we can and will go on.

After this season, when we come back to ourselves, we see in the Book of Jeremiah 29:12-14

"Then , you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, "declares the Lord," and will bring you back from captivity."

By the Spirit of our Lord, I would like to emphasize most importantly, "The Lord Says


Praise the Lord God Almighty. Who reigns with justice and mercy. He has made Himself available to us!

You are never too far out of His reach! You are never to far from the boarders of Heaven that you can not be retrieved.


  Father in Heaven, I pray for Your Holy healing presence to surround, under-gird, hold up and hold onto all those that are Yours, will become Yours, and are called by Your Most Holy name.
  Jesus, I thank you Lord, once again, that by Your grace, let Your overwhelming Holy Spirit of peace and power, fill all gaps and places of wounds.
Now to Your glory Lord, I speak supernatural peace and refreshment. Rest, rest, rest.
Lord we love You. Come now Father and be all that and who You are, in and through our lives, as we lay our lives before Your Holy Thrown. In the most precious name of Jesus. Be glorified.

If you have never asked the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart and by faith, have turned your life over to Him, you can do that by a prayer something like this:

Lord, I ask You to forgive me all of my transgressions against You and Your name in my ignorance. Forgive me Lord because I did not understand Your great love and concern for me.
 I ask You to come into my heart now Lord with Your presence. I give my life to You to do Your will and not mine any longer. 
I thank You Father for hearing my prayer of faith and I know that You will not turn the one, who seeks You, with their whole heart away. 
Change me Lord by Your Holy Spirit working in my life. I give You all of the glory amen.

Welcome my Brother and Sister into the Kingdom our Creator God!  May He show Himself real to you in your quiet times. May His angels guard you in battles of your faith. May He gird and hedge yo about as you live to glorify His Holy name. May you experience the Holy Fire of our God in your hearts, mind and spirits as serve Him. In the blessed name of Jesus! Hallelujah! 

Blessings and comfort to you and your family!