Tuesday, April 7, 2020


He alone was worthy to take our place upon the cross.
His blood was the only blood that was accepted to be shed for the worlds transgressions and sins. Sinless and selfless was this precious sacrifice. He who knew no sin and the pain, remorse, regret, shame, guilt, disease of heart and soul that comes with it. Became that sin for us.
He carried upon Him our burdens and transgressions. With every torturous whip and ripped flesh and violent pull of His beard and hair, He CHOSE to accept and surrender to the beatings and ridicule for me and for you. What kind of man was this? A man that would willingly lay down His precious life for not only a friend, but for a stranger.
I was a stranger and this man, LOVE in the flesh, visited me many years ago and touched my heart and changed my life. I was never the same, nor did I want to be.
I am grateful for the mercy He has shown me. I am thankful for what He has done by taking my place upon that cross. He loves me and you too much to allow that brutality to be done unto us.
Through this I have learned how to worship this man as King of King and Lord of Lords, and my Hero and Savior. There is a scripture verse that says “If we don’t cry out in worship, Who worship is due, the rocks and stones will!” Well, the life and love that He has shed abroad in the life and heart is so real and undeniable.
That those rocks and stones will have to get in line. Because I’m not finished worshiping Him Who alone is worthy. The precious Lamb of God, Who was slain before the foundation of the world. Only He alone is worthy to be praised.
Allow Him to touch your heart of hearts. That deep place that you won’t allow anyone into. He already knows about it. He’s a gentleman and won’t just barge in. He’ll gently tug at your heart and ask. Please, don’t deny this man, this lover of your soul.
Surrender to His love.

Blessings to you and yours during this solemn but miraculous season!

All our love in Christ Jesus!

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