Friday, August 7, 2020


Blessings my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

   I'd like to take a moment to talk to you on a more personal note. I would like to express my gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord and you! It is such an honor, blessing and privilege to serve and encourage you in the Lord via this blog. You are in our continued thoughts and prayers. It is a wonderful blessing to reach our world for Christ.

   Heart Treasure Ministries, endeavors to be a blessing to you and your family, by breaking the bread of the Lords word together. I thank the Lord for knitting our hearts together in Him. We are His body. Joined together by His Holy Spirit, with one heart in Christ Jesus. It's a wonderful blessing! Know and understand that as you have shared the words that have been penned on this blog with others, it is with great humility and pleasure, that I would ask the Lord to hold it to your charge in thankfulness, rewarding you and your household with blessings and divine health.

The countries that we have found ourselves reaching out to are listed below:

United States, France, Germany, Kenya, Puerto Rico,Thailand,United Kingdom, Jamaica
Philippines, Russia, Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Ireland, New Zealand
Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Uganda, India, Portugal, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong
South Africa, Japan, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Aruba, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Argentina, Kazakhstan
Peru, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Sweden, Pakistan, Armenia, Iraq
Swaziland, Ghana, Israel, Malta, United Arab Emirates, Jersey, Nigeria,Greece, South Korea, Ukraine, An Unknown Region, Italy, Croatia, Venezuela, Czechia, Romania, Belgium, Mexico,  Colombia, Serbia, Oman, Thailand, Cameroon, Turkey, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Estonia, Bangladesh, Seychelles, Cambodia, United Arab Emerates and  Egypt.

   I would like to encourage you. In this Season of the Lord we have found ourselves surrounded by corruption, plagues and rumors of wars and great discontent between nations. It may sound as if the "Day of the Lord" has come upon us. The Holy Scriptures have said this:

"That no man knows the day or the hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."  Matthew 24:36 (BSB) 

   This day will arrive. It is inevitable. The Lord will come in glory and enact judgement upon those in who have partnered themselves with the personage of evil and evil himself.  The Lord God is has held back this time until those who are His and will become His are gathered into His fold.  It's by His great mercy and loving kindness that He has "Paused the Clock" so to say.  So this may take place. The Father in Heaven desires that none would perish but have everlasting life in Christ Jesus.

  I would like admonish you to seek Him who is able to raise the dead, change the hearts of man and bring nations to their knees. Seek Him while it is yet called today. For tomorrow is not promised.

  The Bible has said:

"That I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you (continued to extend) faithful love to you."  Jeremiah 31:3 (HCSB)

   Let me assure you that there is no love like our Gods love. He is Faithful,True, Just and Holy. His nature is not that of the human race who have chosen the path of the wicked. We should ask Him to forgive us for wanderings and unfaithfulness.  We are the adulterers, not He. Still He awaits with His hand of mercy extended to us despite our evil ways, and draws us unto Himself to secure for Himself a beautiful spotless Bride, without wrinkle or blemish of sin.

  Jesus has sacrificed himself for us. He has taken our place by the judgement of death. However, the Lord God accepted this sacrifice as being holy and acceptable. The proof being that Jesus was raised from the dead and is now seated at the right side of Father in heaven.

  There is also a book in heaven called "The Lambs Book of Life." This book has the names of all those who have surrendered and willfully given their lives to this Merciful God. This book continues to grow, even now.

  With so much uncertainty we can be certain of one thing. GOD IS the same yesterday, today and forever. We can trust Him.

  Seek Him, invite into your heart and life. Lay your loved ones before Him in faith for their redemption as well. Allow Him to inhabit your praises and your home. Again, His presence is what will keep us via Holy Spirit as stated in a previous post.

  Remember, it is the goodness, forbearance and loving kindness of God that leads humankind to repentance as stated in Romans 2:4

   I would to pray that the Lords provision, protection, preservation and His promises would overtake you and your family. His presence would lift your hearts and keep your mind steadfast upon His will and ways. May His peace rule your lives and lives of your loved ones.

   Be gracious to others He has been to you. His life working in yours gives Him all of the glory. For He is worthy!

I will Lift up eyes to the hills from whence cometh our help? Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth."  Psalm 121:1-2 (KJV)

Blessings to you and yours in the Majestic Name of Jesus!

Share with others so they may be encouraged too!

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