Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters!

   Our Lord is visiting His people once again in a mighty way.  Miracles, signs and wonders are happening around the world. We are a part of it! When the Lord comes with His Holy presence to a people or particular place, we must keep in mind it is for a particular reason. Be ready and watch for Him. He has heard the cry of His righteous ones!

   The Lord God is not a court jester by any means. He does not manifest His presence for the mere thought of entertainment at all. God is sovereign. We as His called ones must recognize this with reverent fear and humility.

   There is one verse I like and quote often. It is found in "On the third day Joseph said to them, "Do this, and you will live. I, too, fear God." Genesis 42:18(GWT)

So, let us fear God and live. I'd like to say right here, that we are also called friends of God.

"No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you." John 15:15(BSB)

   The Lord withholds no good thing from us, that comes from above. We are His family.

   This is a call to us all, the body of Christ universal. The Lord is not asking for our permission to show up and be spectacular and gracious to us. He is Sovereign. He is the Great I AM. The One Who Is able to become anything He wills, whenever He wills it! We must prepare our hearts to receive Him in His fullness, once again. Yes, I said, once again. On His terms and not ours.

   There has been a spirit of lethargy that has plagued the body of Christ for the past twelve years. We have been distracted in building our own kingdom in stead of the Lord's. Not all, but quit a great number. I do believe at times we have attempted to make God into our image.  Where He fits nicely into our agendas. Rather than allowing Him to be just Who He Is, The Lord God Almighty.

   The unfortunate part of all this is that as we, the Body of Christ as a whole, have turned our hearts and heads away from our brothers and sisters who have been fervently defending the faith, in a spiritual battle delivering souls, as the rest of us have become lukewarm or indifferent. This resulting in a falling away and disillusionment of the babes in Christ, as cynicism made its way into the church. Our love waxed cold.

By the precious Spirit of our God I cry! "Come back to HIM now, your FIRST LOVE!" With tender hearts rent in humility and heads bowed in repentant gratefulness, for what He has done for us in His mercy. Return, Oh Bride of the Most High. Return unto your Kings side. Rise from the ashes and cleanse yourself by turning from subtle sin that has crept in. Ready yourself for love and for battle. He is righteous and victorious! The earth claps and rejoices, for His day is drawing near! Holy Bride, bought with a price that none could pay. Except He who reigns on High! Glory to His name! 

   The Biblical meaning for the number twelve is considered to be a perfect number, it symbolizes God's power and authority, as well as serving as a perfect governmental foundation. It can also symbolize completeness or the nation of Israel as a whole.

"For another foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ." 
I Corinthians 3:11(MEV)

   Yes, I believe the Lord has come with His manifested presence to once again awaken His bride from her slumber and to call those that would receive His holy impartation in and upon their lives. Allow our Lord to lay a strong foundation in your life and bring a completeness of faith, joy and peace by His Living Word, Jesus Christ. Allow Him to enter into the deepest part of your heart that you have reserved for no one.

   Let Him by His Holy Spirit bring that which is dead in your life, back to life once again. Your zeal, your hope, your faith, His call upon your life, new vision, new fire, a freshness of fervor, new insight, more love. Ask Him and receive with simple faith and a pure heart. Call unto Him now.

   As He breathes on you a fresh, allow Him to restore hope, and give you clear eyes to see Him for Who He really Is. Your Redeemer.  Allow His Love flood your soul with His peace and renewed joy. Let Him build and fortify a strong foundation in your heart and spirit. Allow your faith to be broadened by His Holy Spirit, through His word.

Believe to see, hear and receive! In the Majestic name of Jesus!

"Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste." Isaiah 28:16(KJV)

Blessings and may the Mighty presence of our Lord, Keep and establish you and yours in His power, love and peace!

If this message has been a blessing to you please share it with someone!

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