Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Blessings in the Mighty name of Jesus!

   Father God, today I pray for all those that read this. I thank you Lord that their hearts would be filled with your hope and joy today. I thank you for lifting up the hands that hang down because of weariness and disappointment. I speak hope to their seemingly hopeless situations. I thank you mighty God for showing up and stamping out every voice that would try to speak that which is contrary to Your word.

   You have made us victorious. Because our God You are victorious. I thank you that today my brothers and sisters eyes of faith will be opened to see what you have placed before them in this season. A greater vision then the last season which has come to a close. We rest in Your grace that we were faithful in the last season Father. Fill our hands and hearts with Your strength to move forward in faith and shouts of joy.

   Restore Father all that the enemy and canker worm has attempted to eat and steal. Let Your Spirit Father lead where we have never been before, with Your anointed presence. Give us Your wisdom and insight. Open our mouths to speak Your word in season and out of season to reach the lost and down trodden.

  Lord, give us a new name this day, may we be called "Repairers of the Breach!" Lord, we give You all of the glory due Your name.

   I pray for physical healing and restoration of health, spirit, soul (mind), and body. By Your Holy Spirit today Father, I sense that You desire to open blind eyes to see. I pray now in the name of Jesus that blind eyes are opened to see the world You've created. That Your children would see their family members for the first time and rejoice in You! Hallelujah!

 I thank You Lord that the lame will walk today. Those with arthritis and bowing legs Lord, would be restored. I thank You Lord that now Your healing Fire would mend and destroy every disease that does not belong in our bodies and that interrupts natural growth and causes pain. By Your blood Lord it was nailed to the cross.

   I pray that minds would be loosed from the demons that harass, deceive and confuse. I thank You Lord for clear and focused thinking according to Your word. You have given us the mind of Christ, anointed thinking that exposes and breaks every yoke of bondage and sin. Illuminate the dark places Father that we may see. Fear is bound in the Matchless Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

  We bring every thought that mocks You Lord and lay it at Your feet now. We thank you for Your deliverance and mercy toward us to make us new and whole again. We will work with Your Holy Spirit and in Your name we do live, move and have our being. Create in us a clean heart Father.

  May we be servants of You Father God and mankind, filled with Your Spirit of grace. That Your grace and mercy we will gladly give to others who are in need of it, just as we were and are. That we all may come together and drink of Your well, filled with Your living water that brings new life in Christ.

  Show us your ways today Lord. Lead our steps and as we walk. May we be mindful of Your presence that surrounds us and makes us ready to minister and serve others You place in our path.

All glory and honor and praise be unto Your name and to Him Who sits upon the thrown forever!

"The Lord bless you and yours today in the wonderful name of Jesus!"

"If this has been a blessing to you share it someone as the Lord leads you to encourage others."

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