Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Good Day my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

   I am asking that we continue to keep the families and friends that were martyred on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, in prayer. There were people from all over the world whose lives had been lost. Including young children who have now found their way into the precious arms of Jesus.

  Continue to pray for healing to all of the survivors as well. That they're recovery go well. And that the trauma of the experience would not haunt them, but the peace and voice of the Lord would drown it out.

  Pray comfort for the families and friends during this time of grief and confusion. Let's pray for peace and comfort to flood they're souls and the Lords presence to be felt tangibly around them.  

  Church, together we call upon the name of the Lord in unity. From all four corners of the earth may our prayers and petitions be heard. 
  The Lord is not lack in any way. He's sees every evil that has been done toward His people. He will judge in righteousness. He will recompense ALL those who have put their trust in Him!

  The blood of martyrs past, present and future have cries out and continue to cry our before the thrown in the ears of the Almighty God. 

  Yehovah Gods reply is:
"Vengeance is Mine, and recompense; Their foot shall slip in due time; For the day of their calamity is at hand, And the things to come hasten upon them." Deuteronomy 32:35 (NKJV) 

   My Brothers and Sisters, harden not your hearts with the evils of this world. Place and keep your trust in our God Who is faithful. Worship Him Who sits upon the Thrown and will repay in due time. He is worthy. The Elders from years past are witnesses of His mighty deeds and good works to all who believe upon His name.

  Remember, our the God we serve is not a man that He should lie.

Again, blessings to you and yours. Much love and grace as you continue in Him Who has called us. We are one in Christ, always.

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