Sunday, March 10, 2019


Peace to you and yours!
   There is a new season in the Spirit of God that is upon us. I know for many of us that the season we are now leaving behind, (glory to God), had been a "Make or Break" period of our lives. A trial of our faith and resolve in our walk with the Lord. A test of our character. Along with an almost personal challenge, just to see how tenacious our faith, trust and passion for our Lord God and His will really is.

   If you can bear witness to the above, allow me to be the first to say, "God bless you. The Lords face shine upon you. Rise and shine to not only see, but walk in His power and grace to fulfill all that He has and IS calling you too!" Hallelujah, the enemy is a defeated foe. Gloriously mighty is our God who reigns!

   A scripture verse the Lord the continues to lead me to is thus:

   "The Bows of the mighty men are broken; And they that stumbled are girded with strength."
                                                                                                                              I Samuel 2:4  (NASV)

   I have shared with my friends at challenging times it may feel as though we have reached the end of our rope. To coin a phrase. We just don't feel as though we can go on in a certain situation. I have always purposed to let my self-talk be... "However, I know there is another 15 feet I can go before I break or the circumstance consumes me!"

   Well, more recently, I was sure that there was no more rope to grab onto at all. Let me tell you... I really felt as though everything I had known of myself was being challenged. The fight was on to trust that God had the situation and me. To keep a pure heart, be angry and sin not, forgive, gird up my loins in the face of difficulty, Know that the Lord has a purpose that I may not see or understand, Know that sometimes the Lord moves on the eleventh hour.

   I purposed in my heart to keep my peace in Him, the best I could, of course by His grace. Most importantly... Walk in what I know of Him and His word. Keep on, keeping on. Continue to give grace and compassion. Knowing it may not be returned. Love others with His agape' love. Walk in my call as His disciple and servant. Regardless how difficult the trial, let others see Him in me. His grace working in my life. I prayed, "Lord let them see only you."

   Let me tell you... it has been a privilege to serve and minister grace and healing to others, even in hardship. During this time, I never felt as though the Lord was not with me. I had purposed in my heart to "Stand, and stand therefore..." Ephesians 6:14 (KJV),  "I know in Him, who I have believed." II Timothy 1:12 (KJV) I had to encourage myself in the Lord. Just like the Bible tells us to do. I figured that I was not like our brother Gilead, who hid himself in the barrel. So I was doing better than he. I wasn’t running for my life like our brother was. I was in pretty good shape. I just needed to buck up and keep my mind stayed on Him.

   The Lord continued to send people to me daily to pray for healing. To encourage them in heart. To share His word and plans for the future. He gave me amazing favor. He has rewarded me with family restoration that completely humbles me and fills my heart with joy unspeakable. And loved ones who take out time to send a note to say, "Just hold on, it's going to be okay." Boy, when encouragement is sent to you, it can make you cry like a baby and make your heart filled with hope. Hope is like a mile marker. I can only hope that this message may be one for you too!

   During this time, He showed me His grace, love for others, and His love for me. His Holy Spirit continued to speak to me regarding the needs of others. While working  people even asked for prayer, and wonderful new friendships were created.

   I am sharing this with you to encourage your heart. I am a fellow servant with you. We will all at times suffer diverse trials and temptations. But, through them all, He IS faithful!

  "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you encounter trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Allow perseverance to finish its work, so that you may be mature, and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4 (BSB)

   So, my Brothers and Sisters in the faith, be encouraged. Guard your heart and find your peace in Him. All Heaven is watching your story unveil to the glory of our King! All Heaven bears witness of His greatness and His great love for us.

   It's when we are broken, He heals us. It's when we feel hopeless, He becomes our hope. It's when we see no way out, He IS the way! When we feel as though we have nothing to offer, He is our Redeemer! He is our great reward!

   Remember, He has called us with an everlasting love.

   "The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."  Jeremiah 31:3 (NIV)

   Much love and blessings to you and yours. If you have found yourself in a not so pleasant situation, I pray the Lord hastens deliverance and sends encouragement to you on the wings of angels. If patience has not had her work completed in you yet, I pray the Lords insurmountable grace to guide you through the storm and His presence to keep you and your mind stayed on Him. That your heart would be encouraged and you would see opportunities before you, to touch the lost to His glory. Let Heaven bear witness to your works in Christ, and praise the name of the Lord!

"Blessings and peace to you and yours!"

"If this message has blessed you, please share it with someone!"


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