Friday, June 3, 2016


Blessings to you and yours the Lords beloved!

Today I would like to extend a blessing to you. I know there are hardships that you may be experiencing. There are concerns about health and family members. There are questions about what direction to take in life. Among many others. Let's go to our Father in prayer.

Oh Heavenly Father of great mercy, there is none like you in all the heavens or the earth. You alone are the One True God. Everything that was made and is created was fashioned by your hands. We thank you this day as we come into your holy presence, by the blood of Jesus Christ your son in whom we have been cleansed in faith, by his work upon the cross. The fact that He is raised from the dead proves that His sacrifice was acceptable to you.

Thank you for your love and kindness toward us. Father, we know you watch our every move, as a mother watches her children. We find comfort knowing that there is nothing that passes from your eyes that you have not seen. We thank you Lord for sealing our lives with Your Holy Spirit. Stir our hearts this day to seek you. Fill our hearts with a strong desire to know you more. Cause us to thirst for you like we never have before. Breath your Holy life into ours Lord. As you live let your life be manifested in and through us in the name of Jesus.

Father I bless all those that are and will read this prayer. This is for them. They have not stumbled unto this sight by happen stance. You are not a God of chance but of purpose. So on purpose they are here. Minister to their hearts and comfort them Lord by your Spirit.

Father there are those that are in transition right now, (I see a young man in Denmark or the Netherlands Lord, that area, he actually has a back pack on and he is ready to make the move.) They don't know where they should go. They are seeking options (I hear the word "options") in what they should do. Father I pray and ask that the way would be made clear. Your word states in Mark 4:22 "For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light." (NAS) and so Father we thank you for making this evident to them. Thank you for divine direction.

I thank you Lord for a healing touch in someone's physical body. There is a woman with a great stomach tumor I see. Father now by the power of your Holy Spirit, I speak to that tumor and tell it to stop growing and deteriorate and begin to break down completely in the name of Jesus.  I thank you Lord that the pressure this thing has caused has made it hard for her to breathe. So again Father, I thank you for restored breathing, I thank you that her lungs will be able to fully inflate once again. Lord I thank you that as she takes breath in fully, that by Your Holy Spirit her muscles will ease slowly and without much discomfort, her breathing will be successful. All to Your glory Lord. In Jesus' name.

There are those who long to know that You hear from Your heavens Lord and see them right where they are (I see a young lady from the South China Sea area Islands). The Lord wants you to know that He does see you and He knows exactly where you are. He says to you in Isaiah 43 verses 1 and 4. "But now, this is what the Lord, your creator says, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you (from captivity); I have called you by name; you are Mine!" and  "Because you are precious in My sight, You are honored and I love you, I will give other men in return for you and other peoples in exchange for your life." (AMP) Father I pray for this sweet sister of mine. I know that you love her along with all of the others that look to You for guidance and love.

I would like to speak the Fathers peace over you my sweet heart. He loves you greatly and will never take that love back. He was there the day you were conceived. I know you believe that in your heart. He has called you with a special purpose in Him. You will lead many to the freedom He has awaiting them in Christ. Be encouraged. Yes, He has heard your cry from His heavens and He has delivered you! He is making your path straight and removing every obstacle out of your way. Yes, you will walk in freedom! You say,"How can this be?" He says, "Trust, watch and believe."

Father, I thank you for hearing my prayer. I ask your blessings and guidance upon all who seek you and those that will. Let them be encouraged this day. I thank you that your light is greater than the darkness that tries to hold them captive. I pray a hedge of protection around all those that are yours. I plead the blood of Christ over all that are not able to protect themselves from ruthless enemies. May your Word of Truth and Power expose the strategies of the enemy. Lord God Almighty as You live, may Your Holy prayer warriors rise to defeat the plans of the enemy in the lives of your children and those that are lost. I thank you for enabling us, through Christ, to walk before your thrown and worship you in your holy presence.

"Now to Him Who is able to so far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us. To God our Father be all of the glory, now and forever."

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