Thursday, May 26, 2016


Blessings my Brothers and Sisters in the Mighty name of Jesus!

     The Lord has put it upon my heart to encourage you today.

     The Lord wants you to know that you are not alone. He is as close as the mere mention of His name. He sees you dear heart as you feel abandoned and alone, left out in the cold, no where to turn. He is your light of warmth as His presence fills that place. His breath upon you, sense His mercy and grace.

     For child alone you will not long be. My family I assigned you, will lead you to Me. Your heart will be filled with joy you've never known. Yes, this place you will come to, will surely be your home. With your eyes opened wide and heart full of faith. Keep looking up for soon you will part take. Let love rule in your heart. Do not choose the other way. Bitterness is the distraction that tries to draw your heart away.

     Cleave to My Spirit of Truth with your whole heart. Rest assured you will be blessed. For you are My precious work of art. None can snatch you from My hand, Sayeth Your Lord who reigns on high. Look for Me, watch for Me, your Redeemer draweth nigh. 

     I thank you Father God for seeing those that the world chooses not to see. I thank you for Your wisdom that instructs us and teaches us Your ways. Father make it clear to us, just how Your mercy never ends. We love You Lord, we adore You Lord, thank you for being our friend.

     May His Blessings and peace keep you and yours, in the precious name of Jesus!

     If you have been blessed by this message please share it with someone!

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