Monday, May 30, 2016


Peace be unto you and yours, my Brothers and Sisters!

   After a hard days work, have you ever wanted to climb into your most comfortable easy chair? Allowing it to embrace you as you wedge yourself into its cushions. Finding the chair has kept the mold to your body perfectly from days gone by. Finally, you take a deep breath, then exhale and allow the fullness of the day to melt away even just for a moment while you find yourself again.

   Life is very demanding and challenging. The boss wants what he wants. The children want what they want. We are an "on demand society."  Although we may be trying our very best to pursue the great dream of success. If we do not keep our perspective on meaningful priorities, we will be swallowed up by a big fish.

   What I mean by meaningful priorities is at the end of the day what is it that anchors your soul to find rest, peace, security and comfort?  Think about that for a moment. In all of your peaceful meditation, I do not think that pictures of your boss were floating past your minds eye. No, it was more like your family, your humble abode where you hang your hat at the end of the day, friends, parents, your garden in the yard, or Saturdays sporting event that's up and coming. This list may go on and on.

   What brings us pleasure and peace is of Gods doing. You see, He has created life that we may enjoy it and all of the wonders it holds. However, His intent was not that we should enjoy it without Him. There is a story in the Bible about Adam and Eve, the first man and woman that God created. The story goes on to say that every evening in the cool of the day, the Lord God would come and visit Adam and Eve in the garden where they lived.

   I am sure they talked about the happenings of the day together and just enjoyed each others company. If Adam found things frustrating I am sure he spoke to the Lord, and the Lord God in His great wisdom, gave Adam understanding and peace in how to resolve the matter. In that, Adam would find rest, peace of mind and comfort to put that situation aside until the next day.

   The Bible says in Matthew 6:34 "So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (NIV)

   There is nothing we are able to change about today. It has now become the past. We can learn about how we may be able to do things differently for our tomorrow, in order to have the outcome we desired. The challenge is that, we are not always in control of the circumstances around us. The Lord in His infinite wisdom and patience is still working this out in my own life. However, we must remember that we serve a God who sees everything from its beginning to its end. It is of Him that we must take a moment and ask, "Father you see this situation and you know me and my heart. You see the beginning and end of the matter. Please teach me Your ways. I thank you for Your grace and wisdom.

   In Ecclesiastes 7:8 we read: "The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit."

   So, at the end of your day when you try to find your way to that easy chair, looking forward to its embrace, why not allow the Lord to embrace you. Take a moment to visit with Father God at the end of your day just as Adam and Eve did. As you begin to exhale and relax, allowing the fullness of the day to melt away, and you come back to yourself. Thank Him for everything He's given to you and for the wisdom and knowledge, to keep things in proper perspective. His perspective. Let Him wrap His loving arms around you and lend you comfort like only He is able.

   Jesus said in the book of Matthew 11:28-30 "Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

His blessings, peace and comfort be unto you and yours. In the matchless name of Jesus!

"If this message has been a blessing to you please share it with someone!"

Thursday, May 26, 2016


Blessings my Brothers and Sisters in the Mighty name of Jesus!

     The Lord has put it upon my heart to encourage you today.

     The Lord wants you to know that you are not alone. He is as close as the mere mention of His name. He sees you dear heart as you feel abandoned and alone, left out in the cold, no where to turn. He is your light of warmth as His presence fills that place. His breath upon you, sense His mercy and grace.

     For child alone you will not long be. My family I assigned you, will lead you to Me. Your heart will be filled with joy you've never known. Yes, this place you will come to, will surely be your home. With your eyes opened wide and heart full of faith. Keep looking up for soon you will part take. Let love rule in your heart. Do not choose the other way. Bitterness is the distraction that tries to draw your heart away.

     Cleave to My Spirit of Truth with your whole heart. Rest assured you will be blessed. For you are My precious work of art. None can snatch you from My hand, Sayeth Your Lord who reigns on high. Look for Me, watch for Me, your Redeemer draweth nigh. 

     I thank you Father God for seeing those that the world chooses not to see. I thank you for Your wisdom that instructs us and teaches us Your ways. Father make it clear to us, just how Your mercy never ends. We love You Lord, we adore You Lord, thank you for being our friend.

     May His Blessings and peace keep you and yours, in the precious name of Jesus!

     If you have been blessed by this message please share it with someone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Blessings to you in the matchless name of Jesus!

   With all that we see going on in the world around us, we must stop and ask ourselves, "Who can I trust? Where can my family and I go to be safe?" These questions may only be the tip of the iceberg. But, I think you get the idea. It is very difficult to raise a family with some type of morals in a society that has muddied a moral standard. When we choose to not have any kind of standard to live by ie... civil laws. Then we in turn actually jeopardize the safety and well-being ourselves and others. Just to be clear, I do not agree with a dictatorship of any sort. But, a democracy in which people come together and have a meeting of the minds, and establish, (with liberty as the fruit for well being), what is best for the whole. We do not see very much of this today. Our freedoms are being sacrificed to a culture that has no regard for their own families, let alone their neighbors. Where do we turn?

   Religion has had an impact and role since the very beginning of recorded history. In every society, in every corner of our world, people for generations have practiced some form of religion. Even today we can take notice of different cultures emerging with different methodologies, philosophies and religious practices. Because the world system itself can not fill this void or answer these questions. I suppose in some way or another, it is a quest to find "The Answer." The question being: "Why are we here?" Religion will give you practices and guidelines. It may lend some comfort for a season. However, if it is just mechanical practices in a man made culture and there are no moral standards you have to answer for, there is no accountability to someone as well as others for your behavior, and your heart is not involved and changed. Then at the end of the day you come up empty again and your religion has not served you well.

   In 1985, I thought I had life wrapped around my finger. I was in control of my destiny. No one was going to stop me from doing whatever I was thinking I would do. The truth is, I was running after something, working two full time jobs and on top of the world, so I thought. When in reality I was doing nothing less then chasing my own tail around, getting in my own way! Until, one night while watching T.V. I came across a preacher. I listened for a while and what he was talking about made sense. It's true, we all need somebody. But more than just anybody, we need someone who knows our thoughts and plans, our pains and griefs, our heart of hearts without question, and still loves us in spite of ourselves.

   I grew up with a religious background. However, religion made it easy for me to do whatever I wanted, with little accountability and demand for a heart change and growth in my personal life. I was still lost! The road I found myself traveling down, just wasn't a good one at all. I quit school and ran away from home at Fifteen years old. I came back home and was out of the house for good at seventeen years old. I experimented with drugs, alcohol and gambling. I was just trouble waiting to happen. Finally, by the age of twenty-one my life began to settle down a little. At that time, I had stopped doing drugs, drinking and gambling. However, I still had a chip on my shoulder and a rebel in side.

   At this time, two guys at work approached me and asked if I believed in Jesus Christ. I said: "Of course I do."  My religious background was in the christian faith.They gave me a New Testament Bible and asked if I had one. I told them no. I had never read the Bible. They then instructed me to begin to read the Bible and if I had any questions just ask. I said, fair enough. Even though I had thought that I was't good enough for God to glance my way. I knew my short comings and sins. I felt after I cleaned my act up, then I would be good enough for God. Shortly after this I had been transferred to a different department in the company. Once there, I met another christian brother, who was also being transferred to the same department.

   After orientation we received our new units we had to report to. I reported to mine, and lo and behold, I met another christian gentleman. He was to train me in my new job. Shortly thereafter, he shared what had taken place in his life about seven months before I arrived. He told me he had been an alcoholic, a heavy gambler and that he would practice cheating on his wife often with other women. But, he had given his life to the Lord and everything had changed. He said the desire for drinking, gambling and other women had been taken away. His marriage had been restored and Jesus had forgiven him and gave his life back to him in a beautiful way.

   I remember this gentleman would always sing songs to the Lord while he worked. I took notice of the peace he had. He was humble and would walk away from rude behavior and coarse jesting. He didn't buckle under peer pressure by his co-workers. One day while at work the other workers told me that he had really changed for the better. He wasn't the same. I could tell that they really respected him. Although they would tease him from time to time regarding his new life in Christ. He'd just shake his head and walk away with an affectionate smile and pray for them. He loved those guys. He was very instrumental in my walk with the Lord.

   It isn't hard to see that the Lord was kinda making sure that where ever life was taking me (I know He was orchestrating the whole thing!), the road would lead to Him. As my Christian co-workers reached out to me, I began to see "That I didn't have to wait and clean myself up for God." It was impossible for me to do that anyway. Only Christ can do that. He is the only one able. In Psalm 46:1 It says that: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble."  I figured I wasn't doing a really good job of this thing called life on my own. I had nothing to loose and all to gain. Besides it was Gods' reputation on the line, not mine. He is the promise maker and keeper. I just had to trust Him and watch what He would do in and through my life, like He said He would in His word, the Bible. I did ask the Lord into my heart and gave my life to Him. I knew with other believers around me they would help me understand what the Lords will was for my life through His word. Like our Brother in Christ earlier, I began to have that same peace in my life as well. I also had more joy and hope, which previously had not been there.

   Again, it was no coincidence how the Lord was moving situations and people around in my life, in order to get my attention and move me closer to Him. I will tell you that I have never for one moment ever regretted the decision I made that night to follow Him. He is Beautiful, Full of Grace,Wonderful, Patient, Faithful, Trust Worthy, All Powerful, Magnificent, Full of Wisdom, Gracious and Merciful, Kind and Deliberate with His Love. He is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother, Protector, Mighty, Awesome and He is Father.

   May I say at this point that, while religion may have its roots in some belief system that may make you feel good, sooner or later the feeling, because it is limited by human emotion which always changes, falters, and is not constant, will leave you empty once again. Because we are left with ourselves, knowing our own weaknesses and faults. We will let ourselves down. It's inevitable.

   However, if we put our trust in a Living God who has created and fashioned us. We would soon realize that, if He sees our ugly weaknesses and yet, it does not deter Him from loving us. We will begin to find that we are truly loved. And this love will bring us joy that is beyond our human nature, and with this joy that the Lord gives, brings eternal hope with it.  What more can we ask for?  Can you use a little in your life?  Have you reached the end of yourself yet? When we reach the end of ourselves and human ambitions we find our Lord.  He knew us before we were even a thought. He even knew us before we were in our mothers womb! It is not about religion. It is all about a personal relationship. I say personal, because there is not a one of us that is identical with life choices and experiences. We are all individual and called by His name for a particular purpose in Christ.

Psalm 139:13-14 "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mothers womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."  (NKJV)

   A personal relationship with the One Who has called you by name. He is our safe haven. Though the world around us may change and things may seem to get scary at times. We can trust in God, The One Who holds the world in His hands. He is the God that never changes. He is always the same yesterday, today and for ever. Hebrews 13:8. He is our God and Creator. He knows us more than we know ourselves. He IS worthy of our trust.

Isaiah 43:1 But now, thus says the Lord, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, "Do Not fear, for I have redeemed you: I have called you by name; you are Mine!"  (NASV)

   I do not believe in luck or chances. I serve a God of purpose. So, I will say, that it is not by chance that you have read a little of my story. I believe the Lord is seeking you out as He sought me out. Isn't it wonderful to think that you are just that important to God Almighty? That He would actually go through any trouble at all just to find you!

   If your heart is stirred by His presence and you sense He is drawing you closer to Him, then answer that call and say "Here I am Lord Jesus come into my life and lead me in Your ways. Forgive me for trying to do things my way. I give my heart to You. Thank you Lord for Your faithfulness to me."

Welcome to the family of God! I would like to pray for you as well.

Father God, I thank you for these that have given their lives to You this day. You have drawn them by Your Holy Spirit to do so. I thank You Lord that their hearts are softened to receive all that You have for them. Keep them safe by Your power and might. Guide them by Your Holy Spirit to a church of believers that will help them in their walk with You, as You did for me. Provide all they need this day. Cloth them with Your heavenly presence Father and fill their hearts with Your peace and joy. I thank you for lifting burdens and cares that have seemed to overwhelm them. I pray for those that have difficulties sleeping at night and pray for Your perfect peace to fill them and bind every fear that would try to steal from them in Jesus' name. Help them to give those things into Your hands where they can be better taken care of. Holy Spirit of my God, I thank you for building such a trust and bond in their lives with the Lord God, that every voice that would rise up and try to cause doubt, would be shut up and put to shame. I thank you for healing and restoring those that need a healing touch in their physical bodies this day. Father, I thank you that You are concerned with what concerns us. We mean that much to you. We love You Lord. In the amazing name of Jesus!

May His grace abound more and more toward you and yours. Blessings in Christ Jesus!

If this message has been a blessing to you, please share it with someone!

If you may be in need of a Bible, please do not hesitate to subscribe and email us. We would be blessed to assist you in getting His precious Word, His love letters, into your hands.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

YOUR HEAVENLY CALL pt. 12: The Gifts of Pastor and Teacher

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

We have been studying the gifts that Jesus Christ gave to His body, the church or ekklesia - the called out. I enjoy meditating on the fact that Jesus Himself, felt the need to hand pick those that would serve His body in such a way, that these gifts would bring us into a unity of faith in Christ, and bring about a perfecting and maturing of the saints. All to the glory of Father God. Yes, we are just that important to Him! I love what Jesus said to the Lord God in John chapter 17.

John 17:20-23  "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me. And the glory which Thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as Thou hast loved me. (KJV)

In these verses we read that it was the desire of Jesus' heart that we, His body of believers would be one in Him, and one in them, meaning; God the Father and God the Son. It was very important that Jesus expressed the reality of being one with the Lord God. Jesus would do nothing aside from the Father. As we His body can do nothing aside from Son. Let us read Romans chapter 12.

Romans 12:5-6 "So in Christ we who are many are one body, and each member belongs to one another. We have different gifts according to the grace given us. (BSB)

We also read in Colossians chapter 1.

Colossians 1:18 "And He (Christ) is the head of the body, church; He is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things He may have the preeminence." (BSB)

Let us begin with our foundation verse:

Ephesians 4:11-14 
"And His gifts were (varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us) some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, traveling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers. (AMPC)

Pastors - protect the flock. They are also called shepherds or overseers.

Pastors are called to care for the Lord's body, His church. A pastors call of grace is to serve the body of Christ in a number of ways as needs will vary in a community of believers. The Holy Spirit has gifted these great men and women with abilities to not only care for the body of Christ, but an anointing that will lead, guide, guard and direct the body into a place where they will receive the revelation of God's grace in Christ Jesus.

They bring the Word of God to the people in such a way, that all may glean and gain understanding of what the will of God is and how the love of God will work in our every day lives. They break down the Word of God in a way that is palatable. They give themselves over to the Lord in prayer and study of the Word of God, in order to bring the message the Lord desires for His people. They feed the Lord's sheep. They are typically married to the flock.

We can read in John 21:15-17. Jesus asked Simon Peter if he loved Him three times. We see Jesus replied first to Peter saying: "Feed my lambs.", His second reply was: "Tend my sheep." and Jesus' third reply was: "Feed my sheep."  We can see that we as Christians are first tender lambs that need to learn the sincere Word of God to grow and become mature sheep. In our learning and growth periods there will be times that we may seemingly stumble or walk through difficulties in life that may overwhelm us. Times like these we would need to be tended to in the Lord by our shepherd.

As we grow into a mature man or woman in Christ we may not need as much tending to. However, this would be the time that we would begin to serve with hands on experience and become productive in the things of the Lord. Looking to our pastors who have served well, we glean from them and continue the work of the ministry to lighten their burden. Our pastors would reap in joy as they see us plugging in and serving. As our spiritual fathers they would begin rejoicing to see the faithfulness of God working in and through His body.

Keep these faithful men and women in prayer. Day in and day out they serve us as unto the Lord. It is a selfless task to make yourself available to others when you need rest yourself. But still they continue on, all to the glory of God. Bless them real big Lord!

Finally, we will never outgrow the need to be "fed." We will always need the Word of God in our lives. We will always need to fellowship and to be accountable to our brothers and sisters in Christ. We will never "arrive."  We will know all things when we pass into glory from this life. Until then we will continue to renew our minds daily by the Word of God. We will never run out of revelation or exhaust the Word of God. Who can hold the Wind in his hands?  There is none that are able.

I have placed the gift of Pastor and Teacher in the same study. Because the two gifts more often then not, go hand-in-hand as a ministry gift. Again, one gift may be the stronger and we would call this our motivational gift. However, the other gift would follow closely behind. Although there are Pastor-Teachers who lead the church in the ways of the Lord. There are also Teachers that are not pastors in the sense of serving a congregation. I have the blessing and pleasure of knowing a few of these great servants of the Lord. I am truly humbled and grateful for the gift they are and the knowledge they impart to Christs body.

Teacher - They instruct and break the Word of God down into bite size portions. We can see the similarities in the teaching techniques. Both teacher and pastor break the scriptures down, so the hearers will better understand what the Lord is saying to His people, and they would not be left ignorant. They bring us information in a practical common sense manner regarding the things of God. They enjoy digging deep into the Word of God to find its hidden treasures. They give us teachings from the Lord, that are like building blocks of insight and understanding. They may be called to travel and minister to the Body of Christ, bringing forth all of the nuggets they've retrieved, from the countless hours of searching out the deep things of the Lord in His word. Truly, they are as important a foundational gift as the others.

We are blessed to have such diversities of gifts in the Body of Christ. It is like a many faceted jewel that brings forth different dimensions when held in the light.

I am believing that the Lord has opened your eyes and stirred heart to give you a sense of where you and your gifts fit into the Body of Christ. These gifts are not only to be used in the church setting. They are to be useful wherever and whenever the Lord by His Holy Spirit desires. We can read in
Matthew 5:13 "You are a light to the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid."

Again, we have listed different links that you can find useful in your studies of the gifts that will bring more insight to you. As we have just skimmed the surface with an short overview.  Remember, all of the gifts work together to benefit the whole that none would lack.

"Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you unblemished in His glorious presence, with great joy, to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority through Christ Jesus our Lord, before all time, and now, and for all eternity. Amen." 
Jude 1:24-25 (BSB)

May our Lord and King richly bless you and yours in the name of Jesus!

If this message has been a blessing to you please share it with someone!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

YOUR HEAVENLY CALL pt. 11: The Gift of Evangelist

Blessings my Brothers and Sisters!

I hope the spiritual gift survey was helpful in giving you direction and assisting you in discovering your spiritual gift the Lord has blessed you with. All of these gifts work through the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, with the love of God in Christ Jesus. We will continue our study by looking at the evangelist.

Evangelist - One who announces or heralds the good news.

I Corinthians 12:28 "And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations and various kinds of tongues." (NAS)

I would like to begin our study by reading how Paul had admonished Timothy, who was like his son, with great authority and urgency. We find Paul delivering a high command and charge. He made Timothy aware that these words were not mere words of comfort, but were given before the thrown of Almighty God in the presence of Jesus Christ, who is and will judge the living and the dead, along with His kingdom bearing witness.

2 Timothy 4:1-5  "I charge you in the presence of God and Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke and encourage with every form of patient instruction. For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from truth and turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of the evangelist, fulfill your ministry." (BSB)

What I would like us to notice is that, in verse 5, Paul tells Timothy:
  • Preach the Word,
  • Be prepared in season and out of season,
  • Reprove, rebuke and encourage with every form of patient instruction,
  • Be sober,
  • Endure hardship,
  • Do the work of the evangelist,
  • Fulfill your ministry.
I really believe we have found the nuts and bolts of ministry basics right here. Now Timothy was apostolic in his call, however he served in a pastoral role to aid in the establishment of the early church in different regions. Timothy along side Paul was the over seer of the church of Ephesus for about four years. He continued there under the instruction and leadership of Paul. However, I think it interesting in this passage of scripture how Paul gave instructions to Timothy to "do the work of evangelist." 

It is safe to say that though we may differ in motivational gifts, we may have gifts that do indeed over lap when the need presents itself. Remember we read in  
I Corinthians 12:11 "All these are empowered by the one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as He wills."  He is the Lord and with the establishment of the early church we will find that many who raised the dead during the day, and waited tables at night were full of the Holy Spirit, wisdom and power!

Evangelists are traveling ministers or missionaries who bring the Word of God through preaching passionately with an anointing and urgency that leads people to recognize their need for Christ. Their preaching many times is accompanied by miracles and healings. There is a unique anointing that rests upon the evangelist. With compassion and charismata of the Holy Spirit, the word they preach stirs the hearts of men, women and children alike in such a manner, that many are moved to repent, and have a desire to drink the living water the Lord offers to them, by restoring their souls in God, through Christ Jesus. With fire and grace they explain to few or masses of individuals alike, how great a love the Lord has lavished upon them through the man of Jesus, and how this love can bring them peace of mind and heart, if they would only believe and receive Him in their hearts.

The evangelist expounds on the pending judgement of sin that will take place. How the repercussion of an unrepentant heart will suffer the consequence of eternal damnation and separation from Christ. They speak with personal conviction as if it were their last breath to others. They think it nothing to pour out their hearts until they find themselves spent for the gospel of Christ. They take their heavenly call very seriously. As should all of the gifts. They take it very personally. They are on a quest to "save the world, for the sake of Christ, before He returns." We are not promised tomorrow.

Being that they travel often and to different regions of the world, it is not uncommon for them to suffer much hardship and for go creature comforts where the Lord takes them. They do not stay long where they minister. This alone would give them reason to pour their heart out with all that they can in their preaching, to make sure they have given the message and they did not leave their hearers ignorant to receive Christ.


We find these referenced in:

2 Corinthians 6:2 "For He says in the time of favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." Behold, now is the time of favor; now is the day of salvation! (BSB)

Hebrews 3:15 "As it has been said: "Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts, as you did in the rebellion." (BSB)

Referencing the above scripture verse in 2 Timothy we gain insight into the fervor Apostle Paul spoke to Timothy with. It was urgent. Time is of the essence. Paul was preparing to be poured out a drink offering unto the Lord, with his life. This was his last breadth and message that he was speaking with to Timothy. He knew his time was short. He delivered his message with authority and conviction. His last words of wisdom, exhortation, warning, command and love. All in the magnificent presence of the Lord God and Jesus, with all heaven bearing witness. Paul was a father in the faith and a spiritual father to Timothy. I appreciate how he put Timothy in remembrance of the great commission to reach the utter most parts of the world. "Do the works of the evangelist, fulfill your call."  

Acts 6:6 They presented these seven to the Apostles, who prayed and laid their hands upon them. (NIV)

I Timothy 4:14 "Do not neglect your gift, which was given to you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you. (NIV)

Whether we prophecy or work at the local food mart, whether we teach children in school or raise the dead, we must always do the works of the evangelist in some regard to reach the lost for Christ. After all, we were once dead in our trespasses and sin, separated from God, until we heard the good news as well. Thank God for that brother or sister who took the call of God seriously enough to step out in faith and act upon His word and share the love of Christ. Glory to God!

In His magnificent name and immeasurable love in Christ, God bless you and yours!