Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Blessings to you in the precious Name of Jesus,

     I hope this post finds you and yours safe and in good health.  Prayer has been very essential in this last season.  But, we know that seasons change. Thank God!  Now it is time once again to get to what the Lord has been stirring in our hearts and spirits to reach the world for Gods glory. 

   I am excited about what and how the Lord will use His church this season.  The Lord is His glory is sweeping over the earth.  When the King of Kings begins to move about in the land of His Kingdom  He gets all of the attention. Hallelujah!  

   Expect and look for the Lord in your every day lives.  Listen for His voice to encourage you and to lead you into YOUR next season by divine call.  God is a good God and He covers His people with His glory.  Praise His Name.

   Below I have finished and released my Kindle book.  I thank you ahead of time for your support.  May your heart be enlightened and encouraged as you read and share it with a friend.  My intention is help support missions from this work.  Again, I thank you for being a part of what the Lord is doing at this time.  He is stretching our tent pegs and expanding our realm of influence to build up the Body of Christ.  Thank you for being a part.  I pray the blessing of God as you sow into this ministry via this book and others.  I pray the Lord holds it to your charge and blesses you and yours where you needs are.  All to His glory! 

Your purchase can be made at C.E. Turchik.  If you are part of the Kindle Unlimited program. Your copy is free!

   In a recent conversation with a Brother in the Lord.  he asked: "How do I hear the voice of the Lord clearer? He continued: I would like to hear His voice even more fine-tuned, specific."  As we spoke I reminded him of the boldness that he already exhibits in the Lord by praying for others as the Holy Spirit prompts him.  With this he said: "Yes, but I want more... I want to go deeper in the Lord."  
   I'd like to interject a "note to self" right here.  Wanting more of the presence and anointing of the Lord in your life, and desiring to go deeper in the things of God is more than admirable. IT IS IMPERATIVE!
This can be obtained through daily prayer, reading the Bible and fellowship with the Lord.  This is essential in just how clear and accurate we will be able to work with the Holy Spirit and bring about the Lords desires for others and fulfill our personal mandates the Lord has given us.  The more time we spend in the presence of the Lord, the more we will know His voice when we listen for His leading.

"If this post has blessed and encouraged you please share it with others."

Much love in Christ


If you have a need for prayer. Please send prayer requests to: