Tuesday, October 13, 2020


Greetings with peace in the name of our Lord Jesus,

   It's going on 2 years or even more now that the world has been subject to a demonically lab created virus. There is an agenda out there that is inspired and wrought in the pits of hell. Unfortunately, the offspring of it is fear. If given room to take root and grow, fear can be debilitating and deadly. It has the potential to just stigmatize people, families and nations. This is not the outcome Believers in Christ should look forward to. The Lord has called us out of darkness, not to live in it. We are the light of the world.

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for Gods own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him Who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."  I Peter 2:9  (NASV)

   Please understand, I am by no means, making light of such evil intent and heart break that many many beautiful families have suffered in this battle.  My most heart felt prayers and compassion are yours in the Lord.

   My desire is to encourage you to take your lives and those around you, back in the name of Lord.  There is a scripture verse that I am sure we've read together.

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."  John 10:10 (NKJV)

   The fruit of the thief is to steal, kill and destroy. That is what he does. No more and no less. That is his nature. This is not our Lords desire for you.  However... get ready, here comes, the cloud with the brilliant golden lining! A little humor to lighten things up just a little. <3

   The Lord Himself has come to give us His glorious supernatural God kinda life AND that life more abundantly. If I may say here: abundantly means - in excess. Let's say it again, that we can have life in excess, in Him!  Go ahead and shout!  It's been a long few months you deserve it! HALLELUJAH! Thank you Jesus!

   During this time, and at the beginning of this world battle, Holy Spirit showed up real big in my prayer time and had a "Come to Jesus" meeting with me. It was serious and humbling. When the Angel of His presence demands attention in yours, you are more than humbled and saying "Whoa is me, I am undone." or "Gird up your loins oh man of God."  Now let say, there is no other place here on earth or under heaven that I would rather be. Than in the presence of the Most High God.

   This is the place we must desire with all our heart be and stay.  Not just visit from time to time.  He has made Himself available to us 24/7.  We should do the same for Him.  If we served a part time God that seemed to always place an "Out to lunch" sign on His door when we needed Him, we wouldn't want to have a relationship with Him, let alone serve Him.  But, Glory to His name! He is not like that. He gave us His all through the cross and still is.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."  Hebrews 13:8 (NASV)

  Again, He has come to give us life more abundantly.  Okay, I can almost hear the question: "And how and where do I start to do this life more abundantly after all I've suffered and have been going through."  My dearest sister and brother.  It's one GRACE FAITH step at a time.

   When the Lord blessed me with very strong presence I became a mess.  He wrecked me (in a good way) from the inside out. I cried like a baby in His awesome presence. That's when you get a revelation of the scripture that says " we are fearfully and wonderfully made'"  I was is reverent fear of the Holy One and wonderfully humbled and blessed at the same time that He blessed me with His visitation.

   During this time He had strongly impressed upon me that He wanted His Bride, the Body of Christ to prayer.  Not just at dinner and bedtime. He was seriously calling His body to pray as a lifestyle.  A way of life.  Now, this is something we should've had all along. I'm guilty myself.  I would pray, but not have or make a set time, or make prayer appointments. I say appointments because that is something we can all relate to.  When we have a doctor appointment or an appointment for an interview, we SET that time aside, commit to it and work our schedules around it. That's it.

   This is what I have done and it has been an amazing and marvelous time in the Lords presence with Him. This is the best I can help you begin re-starting your life of abundance in Him. It not only is something we must do to cultivate our relationship with the Lord.  But when we look around and see the havoc the enemy is attempting to create with tensions between nations and civil wars and unrest. Evil to point that it blatantly desires to shut the church of the Lord up and exterminate her.

   We need this time with the Lord as much as He needs us to pray His manifested presence and will in the earth today. We are an army on our knees and we are serving a mighty King. His Words become our, and we speak them forth in the name of Jesus as the Lord wills.  We have been given the authority and power to change the atmosphere and situations. Just as Jesus set the example for us.  The Holy Spirit just reminded me of this scripture to share with you.

"By this, love is perfected in us, so that we may have confidence in the day of judgement, because as He is, so are we in this world."  1 John 4:17 (NASV)

   Because as He is, so are we in this world!  Jesus is seated at the right hand side of the Father in Heaven! We are gloried in the Son. We are victorious and over comers. We are the children of God, not outsiders. We are His and He is ours. His Banner over us is His great love. His Banner is His protection and well-keeping. He goes before us, He hedges us round-a-bout and is our rear guard. His word says "As the mountains are around Jerusalem, so the Lord is all around His people! Praise His name forever!

                          May our Lord bless and keep you and yours in His charge.
                                 In the name that is higher than every name, Jesus!

                                                          Our love in Christ!