Friday, September 13, 2019


Be blessed and encouraged today Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

   The words in this song unfortunately are all to true. Mercy, love and forgiveness is what we as followers of Christ should be known for. First, with one another as believers and second, with the lost. Let this change begin with you and I. We never know what someone may be walking through or has previously walked through and that possibly alone. Have empathy, show compassion and mercy, be those that are known to lift up the head that hangs down. Not those that kill their wounded.

Share this song with those you love or someone the Lord places upon your heart!

Many blessings to you and yours in Christ!

English version

Friday, September 6, 2019


The Fathers redeeming love embrace you!

   Have you ever vacationed at a beach before? While sitting in the sand you hear the waves as they find their way to the beach shore and begin to wash up on the sand. As you put the demands of life on the back burner, so to say, and you begin to find peace and relax. Your senses begin to feel the warmth of the sun penetrate your skin. The voices of others that are around you soaking up the sun as well, begin to fade. You are in a place of solace in the midst of everything that may be happening around you. You are now enveloped by the sun and the warm sand beneath you. You now begin to relax and throw off your cares and replace them with quietness of soul.

   If you have ever experienced the presence of the Lord before, you may find that the above example, thou very enticing, pales in comparison to the magnificent presence of our God. The difference being, the above example leaves you passively alone in your world. The presence of God however, stirs your heart and mind with a knowledge of His supernatural presence, love and Being, via His Holy Spirit.

  Revelation of His word is confirmed in your heart as His Spirit floods your heart and mind with His love and forgiveness. There is also a stillness that you can experience in His intoxicating presence. Oh, your senses are made aware of the Lord's presence surrounding and engulfing you as it muffles the noise about you. At times His presence can almost feel physically heavy as if an x-ray vest was gently resting upon you.

   Oh, I love this place. As our Lord begins to hush our racing thoughts of cares and worries, and replaces them with His comforting peace as a child wrapped in a blanket. We can trust our Father to meet us right where we are and bring a peace, healing, forgiveness and comfort right when we need it. He desires us to be whole, spirit, soul (mind), and body. As He ministers to us in a way that He knows best, He fills us with His joy and affirmation. He reminds us in our hearts that, Yes, He knows us, loves us and we are His.  In His presence is fullness of joy! Psalm 16:11.

I pray our Lords refreshing and comforting presence upon you and yours this day.  May you find your hope in Him Who was raised from the dead.  May the reality of His life and love for you unfold in your life as you seek and surrender your heart to Him.

Blessings to you in the matchless name of Yeshua HaMashiach!


"If you have been blessed please share this with someone you love!"