Thursday, August 8, 2019


Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

  I would like to say Thank you for your blessings and support. I pray this post finds you well and in good health. I pray the God of Heaven provides all that you may have need of.

  He has been faithful to me by showing me His unconditional love and mercy. I have experienced a hardship of sorts and I have been humbly amazed at how He continues to stretch out His hand, to not only encourage my heart, but to bring provision and restoration in ways that would leave the skeptics with their mouths wide open.

  Only our God Who is the Lord of all the earth is able to make something out of nothing! He is always on time. He is always ready to encourage your heart. He holds your heart in His hand and close to His.

  I have shared at other times that I do not walk on the water, I'm just a puddle jumper who is working out my salvation with fear and trembling. Forever leaning and looking to our Lord for guidance and mercy.

  Remember He uses earthen vessels with all of our flaws and weaknesses because it is His pleasure to do so.

  Be lifted up in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ today. Turn your eyes and heart to Him, Who is the Author and Finisher of your faith. No matter how small you may think your faith may be, even the size of a mustard seed and yet can become one of the greatest trees in the field. Giving shelter to the birds of the air and shade to the weary. Our God is amazing!

  I pray for you now that every thought of unrest and anxiousness would be still in the name of Jesus. That the pain in your body would cease by the healing of His precious Holy Spirit. I bind every lying voice that would mock your belief in Him and call it foolishness. I tell it in the name of Jesus to be shut up in the name of our Master and King.

  I thank you Father God for Your supernatural peace that those who have not put their trust in You  can not understand. I thank you Lord for Your Holy Word that brings comfort and salvation to ALL who believe and call upon Your name! Thank You Father for Your faithfulness toward us. We are forever grateful.

"Blessings to you and yours in the matchless name of Jesus. May His peace fill your heart and mind. May He show Himself strong to your enemies and gentle to the weak."


"Share this with someone who may need encouragement today."

Our Love in Christ