Friday, August 31, 2018


Blessings to you Beloved of the Lord,

   There is time upon us in which our prayer lives will be essential. Not to say that it should not be an essential part of our every day walk with the Lord as believers. The world is ever changing and transforming. New ways of thinking, that in my opinion may cause confusion to the masses. There are so many voices vising for our attention. Many are misleading.

   I would like to admonish you today to begin to purposefully seek the Lord while He may be found.
"Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near." (Isaiah 55:6 NIV) This verse can seem a little puzzling, giving the impression that the Lord may not always be found. Just remember that He, by His Holy Spirit now resides in our inner most being or the hidden man of our heart, our spirit man if you have asked Him into your life.

 What to pray?

   Pray for the minds, ears, hearts and eyes of the lost to be opened to hear the voice of our Lord and see his love and kindness toward them.

   Pray for all believers that their faith would not fail them in times of persecution and turmoil.

  Pray and repent for your sins and the sins of our families, countries and the world.

   Pray for our children and their children that they would have the heart to serve the Lord and find their peace in Him and not the things of this world.

   Pray for your ruling leaders that all would be well with you and your families and the Lord would give you favor.

  Pray that the wicked schemes of the ungodly would be exposed by the Spirit of Almighty God and their plans and purposes of harm and evil would come to naught.

  Pray the Lord to give you a holy boldness in this season to go out into the highways and byways and spread the good news of our Savior and win the lost to the Lord.

  Pray and thank the lord for providing the provision needed to reach others for the sake of Christ.

  Pray for miracles to be wrought by humble hands as you minister to those around you always giving glory to God.

  Pray for the Lord to put His words in your mouth to speak and deliver many.

  Pray for the Lord give you and song in your mouth to keep your faith strong and your joy in Him everlasting as you receive your call and marching orders from your King.

  This list is not complete. I know the Lord by His Holy Spirit will also place things in your heart that need to be prayed for.

  Go out as people of Israel did with a shout of victory and songs of deliverance. They moved expecting the God of Israel to go before them and to be their rear guard in battle. And He was and still is!

   Remember there is no God like our God who can save, deliver, heal, raise the dead, to give sight to the blind spiritually and physically, cause the lame to walk, and make mute people speak.

God is God of all and there is none like Him. We are a blessed people indeed to have been given so great an invitation to serve such a wonderful living God.  His mercy endures forever and He forgives our sins holding nothing to our charge.

  If you would like to experience the ever present love and mercy of God in your life, just ask Him into your life now. A simple prayer asking for God to forgive your sinful ways that you may not have known were contrary to His.

 Ask Jesus to come into your life and show you the right path to take in Him. And thank Him for becoming your Savior and helping you in your everyday life. In good times and bad.

  "For every one -- whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord, he shall be saved." (Romans 10:13 YLT)

  Welcome to the family of God! Please email us to let us know that you prayed and invited the Lord into your life, so we may put you on our prayer list and pray for you and support your growth in Christ.

"Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. May all grace abound toward you and yours in the matchless name of Jesus!"

"If you have been blessed, please share with someone!"