Sunday, May 6, 2018


Blessings to you and yours!

   "For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was His plan from before the beginning of time--to show us His grace through Christ Jesus." II Timothy 1:9 (NKJ)

   "For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJ)

   We have been called with a heavenly purpose. The Lord has a plan and we fit into it. I realize that we can argue the point and say: "Not me. You do not know what I've done. He doesn't want to use someone like me."  If you haven't yet read my testimony and a few things that I had done before Christ came into my life, I suggest you do. It's called "Why trust God in this day and age - My Testimony."  If God can find me and desire to turn my sinful ways into a life that glorifies Him. He can do that for anyone. Remember; "Faithful is He who has called you, and He also will bring it to pass"  I Thessalonians 5:24 (NAS)

   Well let's put that to rest right now. When He sent His son to die on the cross you were on His mind. His love for you and hope for your future kept Jesus on the cross. He could've gotten down off that cross at any time. But He didn't. His love for us kept Him there. By His own choice and willingness. Because He loved you then and loves you now. Selah... (Ponder with intent and quietness of heart.)

   So let's see what it is that He wants us to do for Him. Get excited and get ready!

   As we begin to look into this subject we will look at scripture verses that will help us to identify gifts and talents that we may have. We may already know or have an idea of talents that have been useful in blessing others. What is it that seems to come naturally to you? Or maybe you're not sure. As we study I know the Lord will make it clear for you. So be encouraged and have hope. 

   Our gifts are unique to us. We do not have the same gifts and talents. But they are all designed to work together in conjunction with one another. Our responsibility is to seek Him out and find what it is that He wants us to do and where He wants us to do it. 

   We have been given wonderful gifts and talents. We are here on earth for a particular time and season. God has a call or mandate upon our lives. We must begin to believe that we have a purpose and walk in it, to fulfill our divine destiny in Christ Jesus. 

   "Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7-8 (KJV)

   Let me ask you a question. Would you like to be a part of what the Lord is doing in the world today?  If your answer is yes, I'd like you to say to Him right now "Lord here am I, send me."  Our Brother Isaiah had the same opportunity. He overheard the Lord, saying, Whom shall we send? Who will go for us? Then Isaiah volunteered his services. 

   You can find this account in the Book of Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8.  We will use this as our reference scripture as we continue this topic. 

The Lord richly bless you and make His face to shine upon you, in all that you may do and say to further His kingdom and bless His holy name!

If the message has been a blessing to you, please share it with someone!

Friday, May 4, 2018


Blessings to you the Lord's Beloved!

   We read in the Book of Romans 11:29  "For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." This means they will not be taken away. I am hearing a yes, but....  I understand completely. You know your weaknesses and mistakes, your faults and failures.  So does God, and yet He loves us unconditionally and has called us by name for a purpose.

   We read in the Book of Numbers 23:19  "God is not man, that He should lie, or change His mind. Has He said, and will He not do?"  We trust God because we know He cannot lie. It is not in His nature. A matter of fact, it's nearly impossible for Him to lie. Because He is holy and there is no sin in Him. If sin were to be found in God, then we should not serve Him. He would be a liar and untrustworthy.

   In the Book of Jeremiah 1:5 we find the Lord says "I knew you before you were in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations." Before we were even in our mother's womb the Lord knew us. He knew our DNA, what our personality would be like, our weaknesses and strengths, our creative abilities, our intellectual structure, the potential of our characters, and our talents and gifts. The list goes on, but you get the idea.

   Of course He knows, He is our creator. He created us on purpose for a purpose. This must lend some kind of comfort to you. We don't have to try so hard to determine what we want to be when we grow up. A little humor, our age has nothing to do with the call and gifting the Lord has granted to us! The fact is, it has in more ways than one already presented itself to the world around us. Our friends and families, our siblings and co-workers.

   It is who we are in Christ and the things that come naturally to us. When we become one with Christ, He anoints and transforms our natural abilities into SUPER natural by His Holy Spirit operating and working in and through our lives, on behalf of Christ.

   You may want to keep a note book handy and begin to write down things that you know about yourself. Your likes and dislikes. Your hobbies and pass time pleasures. What are things that may motivate you? Your passions, things you'd like to change if you could in yourself, and the world around you. What is it that burns in your heart. How do you feel when you see injustices being committed? What is it that brings you joy? Do you like to lead or follow? Do you like the lime-light or would you prefer to blend into the grey?

   These are just a few examples of characteristics that may be helpful in zeroing in on your gifts and talents. This will be our inspiration board in order to better serve as a starting point for the direction you believe the Lord may be leading you in.

Leave a comment or email telling me what the Lord has put in heart and where you believe He's leading you. I'd love to hear from and encourage you anyway possible. Enjoy your journey in Him!

Many blessings to in Christ Jesus!

If this message has been a blessing to you please share!