Thursday, February 22, 2018


Blessings to you and yours, my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

   I'd like to take a moment to talk to you on a more personal note. I would like to express my gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord and you! It is such an honor, blessing and privilege to serve and encourage you in the Lord via this blog. You are in our continued thoughts and prayers. It is a wonderful blessing to reach our world for Christ. From our little corner of the world to yours.

   Heart Treasure Ministries, endeavors to be a blessing to you and your family, by breaking the bread of the Lords word together. I thank the Lord for knitting our hearts together in Him. We are His body. Joined together by His Holy Spirit, with one heart in Christ Jesus! It's a wonderful blessing! Know and understand that as you have shared the words that have been penned on this blog with others, it is with great humility and pleasure, that I would ask the Lord to hold it to your charge in thankfulness, rewarding you and your household with blessings and divine health.

The countries that we have found ourselves reaching out to are listed below:

United States, France, Germany, Kenya, Puerto Rico,Thailand,United Kingdom, Jamaica
Philippines, Russia,Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Ireland, New Zealand
Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Uganda, India, Portugal, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong
South Africa, Japan, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Aruba, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Argentina, Kazakhstan
Peru, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Sweden, Pakistan, Armenia, Iraq
Swaziland, Ghana, Israel, Malta, United Arab Emirates, Jersey, Nigeria,Greece, South Korea, Ukraine, An Unknown Region, Italy, and Croatia.

  Today in the world around us we are experiencing an unrest. There is a tension in the air that can be sensed. Times are rapidly changing and hastening toward a final close. Our Lord is coming back soon! We as believers must learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit of our God. We are in a time and season that we that our His must KNOW HIS VOICE. There is a place in the scriptures that tells us "If it were not for the sake of the elect, by Gods mercy, the final days were shortened. Otherwise none would be saved." 

  Brothers and Sisters, cleave to that which is true, holy, and just. Fast, pray and seek His face. I pray that your ears would be opened to hear His voice. That your heart would be ready to receive His love. That your spirit would be filled with His Holy Spirit of courage and fire to heed His call and fulfill His mandate upon your life.

  Even now in 2019, Christian Churches are being forced to shut down. Restaurants that support faith based community programs are being chastised and having erroneous charges brought against them. A wonderful brother from the Netherlands was recently forced to leave the country due to threats against his family and more. His ministry was forcefully shut down. However, Praise be to God. The has furnished a place for he and his family to continue to encourage those of faith and those who indeed need the Lord.

  One thing that I have pondered recently is that, there is no sure thing except Gods love, mercy and forgiveness. In Luke 21:33 we read that Heaven and earth shall pass away, but His words will last forever.

  We are in the last days as written in the Book of 2 Timothy chapter 3. I have just highlighted a few the first couple of verses. People will be lovers of themselves and of money. They will listen to no one. They will be full of pride and lie about others.They will not obey their parents. They will not be thankful.They will have no love. They will not agree with anybody. They cannot be trusted. They will act quickly, without thinking. They will beat people and will not love anything good. 

  I would like to ask you to keep each other in your prayers to the Father as we continue to run the race of faith, together in Christ, until He returns. The people of our world have suffered many different sufferings, tyrannies and situations. From freedoms taken away and hate crimes, to cultural discrimination on faith in Christ. We must not forget our brothers and sisters who have also endured brutal persecution and death for their faith. Martyred for their belief in Christ Jesus our Savior. The Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

  Surely, we honor them for loving not their lives unto death for our Lord. Please pray earnestly that our faith in Christ would not fail us in times of persecution, or in the face of death. Death being the last enemy to be destroyed.


"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

May the Lord use us all mightily to touch the world for His glory!  

Thank you for making mention of us in your prayers. 

Thank you for sharing

Thursday, February 15, 2018


Blessings to you the Lords Beloved!

   I would like to encourage you today, my family and friends. There are times when we may find ourselves getting caught up in a whirl wind. We may say: Which side is up? Or maybe, stop the world I'd like to get off now.

  Even so, where ever you may find yourself today, know that you are at the beginning of something the Lord is working in your life. A place of transition, from one purpose to another.

  KNOW that you are not alone, though the path may seem lonely.

  KNOW, that you are under-girded by His powerful Holy Spirit of Grace. He is closer to you then when you first believed.

  KNOW that His Resurrection life has, and will, hold you, carry you, and breathe new life into you.

  In your weakness, He IS made strong. It's IN and THROUGH and BY HIS LIFE working in us that we can and will go on.

  After this season, when we come back to ourselves, we see in the Book of Jeremiah 29:12-14.

"THEN, you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, " declares the Lord, "and will bring you back from captivity."

 By the Spirit of our Lord, I would like to emphasize most importantly, The Lord says:


 Praise the Lord God Almighty, who reigns with Justice and mercy. He has made Himself available to us!

  You are never too far out of His reach. You are never to far from the boarders of Heaven that you can not be retrieved.

He knows where you are...He is there.
   Father in Heaven, I pray for your Holy healing presence to surround, under-gird, hold up and hold onto all those that are yours, and are called by Your Most Holy name.  
  Jesus, I thank you Lord, once again, that by Your grace, let Your overwhelming Holy Spirit of peace and power, fill all gaps and places of wounds. 
  Now to Your glory Lord, I speak supernatural peace and refreshment. Rest, rest, rest.     Lord we love you. Come now Father and be all You are, in and through our lives, as we lay them before Your Holy thrown. In the most precious name of Jesus. Be glorified..

Blessings and comfort to you!

"If you have been blessed, please share it with someone!"