Friday, June 23, 2017


Blessings to you in the name of our Lord!

"By the Spirit of the Living God: 

     The Lord is positioning you and is bringing into your exodus. Yes, He has turned your face away from all earthly knowing and is now causing you to step into your promised land. You will first cross over through the sea. The veil of His crimson blood and His water flowing so clean. Pure will you be, pure will you be, oh so pure will you be. His Fire by night and His Spirit by day will you be drawn into His purposes. He will guide you all of the way. Because you have made yourself willing, and so it has been granted to you. Hold fast, hold fast to His glory and grace. Do not rush nor make haste. REST in HIS POWER, in HIS POWER alone! Heaven on earth bears witness to His Thrown! 

    Come up and out Rebekah and Jacob! Your time is now! RISE, RISE and ARISE! When your foot steps into your land, be vigilant oh watchman with sword in your hand. It is the prayers of the righteous that move the Spirit of our God. Armed with His Word and your feet shod in peace. Deliver many, deliver all - you are the Repairer of the Breach! Clothed in His righteousness, none can withstand. His resurrection Spirit that leads you into your land."

May your path be made straight and all grace rest upon in the Mighty and Matchless Name of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Peace be unto you and yours, my Brothers and Sisters!

   After a hard days work, have you ever wanted to climb into your most comfortable easy chair? Allowing it to embrace you as you wedge yourself into its cushions. Finding the chair has kept the mold to your body perfectly from days gone by. Finally, you take a deep breath, then exhale and allow the fullness of the day to melt away even just for a moment while you find yourself again.

   Life is very demanding and challenging. The boss wants what he wants. The children want what they want. We are an "on demand society."  Although we may be trying our very best to pursue the great dream of success. If we do not keep our perspective on meaningful priorities, we will be swallowed up by a big fish.

   What I mean by meaningful priorities is at the end of the day what is it that anchors your soul to find rest, peace, security and comfort?  Think about that for a moment. In all of your peaceful meditation, I do not think that pictures of your boss were floating past your minds eye. No, it was more like your family, your humble abode where you hang your hat at the end of the day, friends, parents, your garden in the yard, or Saturdays sporting event that's up and coming. This list may go on and on.

   What brings us pleasure and peace is of Gods doing. You see, He has created life that we may enjoy it and all of the wonders it holds. However, His intent was not that we should enjoy it without Him. There is a story in the Bible about Adam and Eve, the first man and woman that God created. The story goes on to say that every evening in the cool of the day, the Lord God would come and visit Adam and Eve in the garden where they lived.

   I am sure they talked about the happenings of the day together and just enjoyed each others company. If Adam found things frustrating I am sure he spoke to the Lord, and the Lord God in His great wisdom, gave Adam understanding and peace in how to resolve the matter. In that, Adam would find rest, peace of mind and comfort to put that situation aside until the next day.

   The Bible says in Matthew 6:34 "So never worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (NIV)

   There is nothing we are able to change about today. It has now become the past. We can learn about how we may be able to do things differently for our tomorrow, in order to have the outcome we desired. The challenge is that, we are not always in control of the circumstances around us. The Lord in His infinite wisdom and patience is still working this out in my own life. However, we must remember that we serve a God who sees everything from its beginning to its end. It is of Him that we must take a moment and ask, "Father you see this situation and you know me and my heart. You see the beginning and end of the matter. Please teach me Your ways. I thank you for Your grace and wisdom.

   In Ecclesiastes 7:8 we read: "The end of a matter is better than its beginning; Patience of spirit is better than haughtiness of spirit."

   So, at the end of your day when you try to find your way to that easy chair, looking forward to its embrace, why not allow the Lord to embrace you. Take a moment to visit with Father God at the end of your day just as Adam and Eve did. As you begin to exhale and relax, allowing the fullness of the day to melt away, and you come back to yourself. Thank Him for everything He's given to you and for the wisdom and knowledge, to keep things in proper perspective. His perspective. Let Him wrap His loving arms around you and lend you comfort like only He is able.

   Jesus said in the book of Matthew 11:28-30 "Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

His blessings, peace and comfort be unto you and yours. In the matchless name of Jesus!

"If this message has been a blessing to you, please share it with someone!"