Wednesday, October 19, 2016


Blessings my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!  I pray you find your strength comes from our Lord!

Over the years there have been times in my walk with our Lord that it has been said of me, "You are just black and white." This statement was not made in defense or with ill will intended at all. It was made as insight of a very close friend of mine in whom I trust explicitly. While driving home a few weeks ago I found myself pondering this statement. Why?  I am glad you asked!

Yes, once again the statement had been made in regards to how I may view things in a black and white manner when it comes to my every day life, when looking through the lens of my understanding of Gods word and my conviction in Christ.

With that being said, I'd like to make mention that conviction is not legalism. We are saved by grace and that not of ourselves but through Christ who died for us.

Ephesians 2:8-9 "For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; It is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast." (BSB)

Conviction - a firmly held belief or opinion, a view, thought, persuasion, idea, position, belief.

Legalism - excessive adherence to a law or formula, dependence on moral law rather than on personal religious faith.

Again, legalism can be said to go through the motions with no change of heart or motives as discussed in an earlier topic: "The biggest "U" turn you will ever make."  

Whereas conviction has its roots in a particular belief, thought or persuasion. With proper understanding of Gods word, grace is weaved throughout our convictions. We will find in Gods word plenty of times where judgement should've taken place, yet grace and mercy were applied.

I must say that I am indeed fully persuaded that Gods word is true and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. I not only believe in faith, but have faith in what I believe.

If we have given our lives to the Lord then we are no longer under the Law of sin and death.  We have been liberated from the Lord above and are free men and women in Christ.

Romans 8:1-2  "Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set you free from the law of sin and death." (BSB)

I would like you to understand that there is a much higher law that supersedes any and all religious practices that are contrary to Gods word. Practices and religious ordinances that were created aside from the Spirit of God through Christ Jesus. This Law is the Spiritual Law of Love and Grace.

Galatians 2:21 "I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness comes through the law, Christ died for nothing."  (NKJV)

Jesus spoke of how this law was fulfilled in two commandments. Let's read in Matthew 22:35.

Matthew 22:35-41 "One of them (a Pharisee) tested Him with a question: "Teacher, which commandment is the greatest in the law?" Jesus declared, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. The second is like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself." All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commandments." (BSB)

The Law of Love and Grace complete the Law of God. Which has its judgement against sin in the lives of those who have not received Christs sacrifice in repentance. It does not abolish the Law of God by any means in its authority. But as Jesus has said: "All the Law and Prophets depend on these two commandments." One translation says "Hinge on these two commandments."

First, I would like us to notice that Jesus states that the Law in and of itself was basically incomplete without these two commandments. Second, I would like us to note that Jesus calls these two statements that He made in His reply to the Pharisees, "Commandments."  He Himself was the only One Who was and Is the only One able to add to the Law of God, being God Himself in the flesh! Jesus shared with the religious leaders and all who heard, great wisdom in that statement. We can glean from it today as well. Bless God for His living word!

You see, if we love the Lord God with all that we are, and our neighbor as ourselves, we would fulfill the Law of God! If we love God we will not sin against Him, and if we love ourselves and treat ourselves good and in turn love our neighbors the same way, again we fulfill that law. Remember that our neighbor, as we ourselves, are made in the image of God, in whom we love and will not sin against. So, if we sin against our neighbors, we ultimately sin against not only ourselves but God.

I took a little time to elaborate regarding the Law in order to lay a small foundation. This will be helpful as we continue our study in part two. When one speaks about the Law it generally has no variance whatsoever. Laws are not created to bend or be broken.

Hence, this is where we can say it is "Black and White." When speaking about breaking a law, you would say: "Either you did or didn't."  Now when we look into the Law of the Lord aside from Christs work on the cross, we are condemned, and rightly so. We have been born into sin, via Adams foolishness. However, when we look into the Law of Liberty, love and grace, we find that we are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ via His sacrifice on the cross.  Thank you Lord!

What the Law of Moses could not do, In Christ Jesus the Law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the Law of sin and death. Romans 8:2 (BSB)

Father God, I thank you for Your faithfulness to us. Thank you for making a way where there was no way to You because of sin. We thank you for Your mercy and loving-kindness toward us. Holy Spirit, I thank you for leading and guiding this study with revelation from the thrown room. Deliver many and encourage all that will receive the word of the Lord. To You alone Lord, we give honor and praise. In the precious and Holy name of Jesus our Savior and Redeemer. Amen.

Blessings and healing to you and yours as you continue your week in Him Who is able to save!

If you have been blessed by this message please share it with someone!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Heart Treasure Ministries: LET HIS HOLY WIND BLOW

Heart Treasure Ministries: LET HIS HOLY WIND BLOW: Blessings to you my Brothers and Sisters! Our Lord is visiting His people once again in a mighty way.  Miracles, signs and wonders are hap...

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Heart Treasure Ministries: BE WISE AND PRUDENT

Heart Treasure Ministries: BE WISE AND PRUDENT: Greetings in the name of the Lord! Have you ever heard the statement "Time is of the essence?"  Well, there is a time that is up...