Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Heart Treasure Ministries: YOUR HEAVENLY CALL pt. 12: The Gifts of Pastor and...

Heart Treasure Ministries: YOUR HEAVENLY CALL pt. 12: The Gifts of Pastor and...: Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We have been studying the gifts that Jesus Christ gave to His body, the church or ekklesia...

Saturday, September 10, 2016


Blessings to you and yours, my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

   I'd like to take a moment to talk to you on a more personal note. I would like to express my gratitude and thankfulness to the Lord and you! It is such an honor, blessing and privilege to serve and encourage you in the Lord via this blog. You are in our continued thoughts and prayers. It is a wonderful blessing being able to reach our world for Christ. From our little corner of the world to yours.

   We at Heart Treasure Ministries, endeavor to be a blessing to you and your family, by breaking the bread of the Lords word together. I thank the Lord for knitting our hearts together in Him. We are His body. Joined together by His Holy Spirit, with one heart in Christ Jesus! It's a wonderful blessing! Know and understand that as you have shared the words that have penned on this blog with others, it is with great humility and pleasure, that I would ask the Lord to hold it to your charge in thankfulness, rewarding you and your household with blessings and divine health.

The countries that we have found ourselves reaching out to are listed below:

United States, France, Germany, Kenya, Puerto Rico,Thailand,United Kingdom, Jamaica
Philippines, Russia,Ukraine, Austria, Latvia, Denmark, Norway, Poland, Ireland, New Zealand
Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Uganda, India, Portugal, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong
South Africa, Japan, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Aruba, Kyrgyzstan, Brazil, Argentina, Kazakhstan
Peru, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Sweden, Pakistan, Armenia, Iraq
Swaziland, Ghana, Israel, Malta, United Arab Emirates, Jersey

   I would like to ask you to keep each other in your prayers to the Father as we continue to run the race of faith, together in Christ, until He returns. The people of our world have suffered many different sufferings, tyrannies and situations. From freedoms taken away and hate crimes, to cultural discrimination on faith in Christ. We must not forget our brothers and sisters who have also endured brutal persecution and death for their faith. Martyred for their belief in Christ Jesus our Savior. The Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.

  Surely, we honor them for loving not their lives unto death for our Lord. Please pray earnestly that our faith in Christ would not fail in times of persecution, or in the face of death. Death being the last enemy to be destroyed.


"The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."  Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

May the Lord use us all mightily to touch the world for His glory!  

Thank you for making mention of us in your prayers. 

Thank you for sharing

Thursday, September 1, 2016


Blessings to you the Lord's Beloved!

Imagine for a moment with me, that you were in a building that has 34 floors. However, you are on the first floor with no way of getting to the second. Oddly enough there are no stairs, no elevator, and no fire escape. Aside from busting loose on all of the building code violations, you just have no way humanly possible to reach that second floor. Yet to your amazement the rest of the building seems to be buzzing with excitement and energy. Confused, you wander around the first floor, looking and simply wondering why you can not find the access way. The others have! Why can't I?

The same is true for the Kingdom of Heaven. Sometimes it may seem as though we are walking around aimlessly wondering, how do I get there? You may say to yourself; "I've tried this, and I've tried that. That other thing I was doing for a while seemed to make me happy. But shortly there after I was just left with myself again knowing all of my weaknesses and failures. I knowingly was just running away from myself, my past, and the hurt. I was just trying to elude and deceive myself. Trying to fill the void and always coming up empty.

Dear Brave heart, if you at the very least have admitted to any one of these statements, (I am so sure there are many more that we can add) I'd like to applaud you! When you are courageous enough to get straight with yourself and not allow your heart to deceive you, you are on a very good path. The truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God! Amen and He will!

We are going to say that the first floor in our opening paragraph, is exactly that place where you've tried everything to no avail. I will ask you. Have you thought about Jesus? Have you ever thought that God may be the filler to your void? Now mind you, I'm not talking about religion. Religion has it's roots in outward appearances. Whereas relationship is a matter of the heart. Religion might change your mind, But only God can change your heart.

Let's read what Jesus has to say in the Twenty Third chapter of Matthew.

Matthew 23:27-28 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, pretenders (hypocrites)!  For you are like tombs that have been whitewashed, which look beautiful on the outside but inside are full of dead men's bones and everything impure.  Just so, you also outwardly seem to people to be just and upright but inside your are full of pretense and lawlessness and iniquity."  (AMPC)

Jesus was pretty upset with these men to say the very least. He was upset because they seemed as though they were upholding the law when in fact they were continually breaking every one of them! You may ask: "Well how can this be? Why were they given a place of honor and servant-hood among the people? Let me answer that with a quick analogy. It's kind of like when you are washing your car. You are getting that sponge all sudsy and ready to slap on your vehicle. Now while you are going through the motions your mind may be thinking about one hundred other things. Yet mechanically as though it were, you are still getting your car sparkling clean.

In other words, You can go through the motions and your heart may never be in it. This is exactly why Jesus was calling them out! The Lord wanted a personal relationship with each and every one of them. But they were to busy deceiving and misleading the people with an impure heart. Their confidence was in their own works rather than in God by faith. They did not have a heart that was toward God and His perfect will, but rather man and his imperfect will.

Matthew 15:7-9  "You hypocrites!  Isaiah prophesied correctly: These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.  They worship Me in vain; They teach as doctrine the precepts of men."

2 Timothy 3:5  "They having a form godliness but denying the power there of.  Turn away from such as these!"  (BSB)

But, we are not talking about them. We are talking about you and I. The difference is a sincere heart. In 2 Samuel 16:7 in the later part of the verse it states; "that man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks upon the heart."  

We can also read in Hebrews 10:22 "Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an (guilty) evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water."  (NIV)

The word sincere means - free from pretense or deceit; honest, proceeding from genuine feelings. Heartfelt, wholehearted, real, profound, deep, earnest.

The word conscious means - having the knowledge of something; aware; to be painfully aware of; sensitive to.  Also, in the late 16th century the term conscious in Latin was used as - being aware of wrongdoing;  a knowing with others or in oneself.

I love the scripture above Hebrews 10:22.  But lets look at the verse before.  Hebrews 10:21 "And since we have such a great and wonderful and noble priest Who rules over the House of God." 
Then the it goes on to say verse 22: "Let us draw near to God..." Now that Jesus Himself is our High Priest Who cannot be tempted or tainted by the sin that so easily entraps us. Hebrews 12:1.  It is much to our benefit to draw near indeed to God now. He is the filler of that void we spoke about earlier. He is our creator and understands more than any the human condition. He through Jesus was 100 percent God and 100 percent man.

Unlike the priests of old spoken about in the Book of Matthew who were called hypocrites by our Lord. Because their heart was not right with God. It was impossible to come to God in the state they were in. Unless they humbled themselves with an honest and earnest heart. But we however are able to approach God with a sincere and honest heart. Notice the definition never stated that the word sincere meant perfect.  Indeed there is none perfect but He!

In Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."  We all have sinned. Because of this sin it caused us to be separated from God our Father. He is holy and cannot dwell in the presence of sin. Or shall I say that sin cannot dwell in His presence. Mighty that He is!  This is why He took upon Himself the transgressions and sins of the world in the man of Jesus. Now our sin and along with it, its judgement, is paid in full.

Now we are able to draw near to God through and by the Person of Jesus Christ His Son. We have been redeemed or ransomed by Him and for Him.

The word Redeem means - To save or vindicate. Gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment. Retrieve, regain, repossess, recover, reclaim. To compensate for faults or bad aspects of something.

Let's read what the Book of Isaiah has to say.

Isaiah 44:22 "I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud and your sins like a heavy mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you."

Thank you Lord!  I will ask you once again. Have you thought that Jesus is the answer to filling that void we spoke about earlier?  The Lord is inviting you up to the second floor right now with access to the other floors. He has made the way. Ask Him with a sincere and honest heart to forgive your sin known and unknown, and ask Jesus to come into your life and fill that void in your life once and for all.

Proverbs 18:24 "A man of too many friends comes to ruin, But there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." (NASV)

Jesus is that friend that sticks closer than a brother.  If you prayed and asked Jesus into your life please let us know. We would like to welcome you to the family of God!

Father in the precious name of Jesus I bless these that have made a choice to look unto You to fill that empty void in their lives. By Your mercy fill them Lord with Your joy and peace. Touch their hearts by Your Holy Spirit to bring comfort, healing and guidance. Let their lives bring glory to Your name.  In the mighty name of Jesus our Savior.

If you may need additional prayer for yourself or a loved one, we would love to pray for you. Please forward an email to:  It would be our privilege to pray for you and yours.

Blessings be manifested in your life today to the glory of God!

If this message has been a blessing to you please share it with someone!