Thursday, July 7, 2016


Greetings the Lord's Beloved!

An affirming word of encouragement to you. Keep looking up and run the race with patient endurance. The Lord is with you!

"By the Spirit of the Living God:  The Lord is positioning you and is bringing you into your exodus.  Yes, He has turned your face away from all earthly knowing and is now causing you to step into your promised land.  You will cross over through the sea.  The veil of His crimson blood and His water flowing so clean.  Pure will you be, pure will you be, Oh so pure will you be!  His Fire by night and His Spirit by day, will you be drawn into His purposes.  He will guide you all of the way.  Because you have made yourself willing, and so it has been granted to you.  Hold fast, hold fast to His glory and grace.  Do not rush or make haste.  REST in HIS POWER, in HIS POWER alone!  Heaven on earth bears witness to His thrown!  Come up and come out Rebekah and Jacob!  Your time is now!  RISE, RISE, and ARISE!  When your foot steps into your land; be vigilant, Oh watchman with sword in your hand.  It is the prayers of the righteous that move the Spirit of our God.  Armed with His Word and feet shod in peace.  Deliver many, deliver all - you are the repairer of the breach. Clothed in His righteousness, none can withstand.  It is His Resurrection Spirit that leads you into your land." 

Isaiah 33:10  "Now will I arise," says the LORD, "Now I will be exalted, Now I will be lifted up."

May your path be straight and all grace rest upon you.  In the Mighty and Matchless Name of our Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

If this message has been a blessing to you, please share it with someone!